Updates you would love to know about!

May 02, 2024 4:12 pm


Hiya friend,

So, I have a few quick updates for you!

If you have been following my updates, you would have seen that over the last few weeks, I have been working on optimizing my business so that I can spend more time providing additional value to you - my dedicated reader!

And in doing that I have diversified and moved my email lists to a few other platforms as a way of optimizing my expenses and the quality of emails..

I will speak more about it in the days to come in my regular emails from the "Podcasting University" mailbox (if you are subscribed to it)..

But for now, I have a couple of things that you would be interested in knowing about -


I have a very simple referral program that I am starting now. I will be diversifying it and improving it in the near future.

But for now, you will be able to see a unique referral link for everyone of you at the bottom of every edition of the newsletter.

You can refer the newsletter to your friends and social media circles. There are different tiers of achievements there.

For eg: for the first 20 referrals you will get a FREE copy of the book "The Alamanac of Naval Ravikant" sent out to you fully paid by me.

..and I will be adding some similar ones to it.

I am ironing out the system and will have more lucrative offers for you in the near future.


Starting May 13th, you will get the newsletters from a new email address "dilip@theloudspeakeronline.com"

So you might want to whitelist that email so that you don't miss out on the newsletters.

Looking forward to popping in your inbox from the new email provider..

Till I talk to you again,


