You need to know this!

Jun 16, 2024 6:25 am


There are quite a few things that have been going on in the last few weeks. I have been busy with my courses, consultations and LinkedIn.

But the one thing that I have ensured that happens on time is this Newsletter.

..and I am hoping that this provides you with enough value (though I saw a few unsubscribes in the past 3-4 weeks or, so.. sad that they are losing out. lol😜)


Just wanted to give you a few updates.

I have been juggling with a few changes to the newsletter.

Recently I had to switch providers and I moved over to Sendfox because of some of the nice features that they offered.

  1. the option of running a referral program
  2. the auto-import of the RSS feed
  3. their deliverability

I absolutely loved their service and wanted to continue with it.

But a few things weren't really working as expected.

The RSS import wasn't working as planned (because of a glitch in my RSS feed).

The referral program wasn't running as planned.

..this meant that I had to follow the normal process of importing my email and editing it all here on the email editor.

That was quite time-consuming for me.

And since, a few of you wrote to me about the referral program and showed their disinterest in the program, I felt that it wasn't really making sense to keep it running.

So, I am now switching my email provider.. back to Convertkit (I have had their account and am continuing to use it for some of my other brands).

How does this switch impact you?

Not a lot, except that the referral program will no longer be available.

Any referral until now, will be rewarded. But any signups happening from now on, won't be accounted for.

I hope, I will be able to save some time through this change and also use that to give you more value.

Drop me a note if you have any questions.

To Your Success,

