Why I HAD to Close May's Booking Calendar

Apr 27, 2024 12:00 am

Spring Salutations, Folks!

SO much is going on, and it's been a bit of a whirlwind, and so HERE'S the dirt about why I had to close May's bookings temporarily.

  1. In the last 2 weeks I've suddenly been clobbered with summer party requests from ALL over Ontario. Some are solid bookings, some are in negotiations. I'm waiting for some final ink on the page before I can either close the dates booked or open them back up.
  2. I've ACTUALLY made some summer plans this year for myself (which I never do.) and have to get those bookings straightened out.
  3. As you may know, I'm taking a Practical Herbalist course (to make teas, tinctures, salves, lotions - all the medicines.) and this year my garden is expanding. We've added an extra garden area last weekend specifically for medicinal plants, and have several other garden plans to carry out before June 1st. (Yeah, the dirt is garden dirt. Sorry for the click bait.... hahaha.) but ALSO...

A local business I love has asked me to come and help them out. It'll be a mutually beneficial situation, for sure, but I'm ALL about the acts of service.

When someone asks you to help, you help if you can. And I can.

And the way this all fell into place was downright magick. ( I'll tell the story in a Vlog on Youtube.)

It's part time joy (instead of job!) which means I'm still available for readings, but they do their schedule for the full month all at once. I have NO idea when they'll have me scheduled for May, so as SOON as I get THAT info, and all the other event things are in place, I'll be able to open May bookings back up.

Where is it, you ask? Well, It's Event Horizon Hobbies! So, I'll be sporting the red-and-black plaid and meeting all KINDS of new folks this summer!

What About Summer Parties and Appointments?

If you are planning a visit to Midland this summer and were hoping to connect with me,

OR you are planning a summer event for June, July or August, and were MAYBE SORTA thinking you'd like me to attend, NOW is the time to connect with me to ask all your questions.

(It's as simple as replying to this email to get the convo started!)

FREE Email Reading Winner

As always, as a thank you for staying connected on this email list, I pull a name from the list for a free email reading. This newsletter's winner is C.W! (I only have the initials, but it's a yahoo address, and I'll email them to let them know!)

And, One More Thing....

Again, thank you so much for staying connected with me through this Newsletter. This is the ONLY way I can guarantee we will stay connected, if weird things happen with socials. I appreciate you!

Let me know if there's anything specifically you'd like to read in these newsletters, or see on my socials! I'd love to hear your ideas!

I hope you have had the best April ever!

Much Love,


