Wise words from a Handyman

Mar 21, 2022 5:11 pm

Few take risks nowadays.

Everything has to be guaranteed. Or they won't "waste their time."


From what I've experienced, the most interesting (and successful) people are the ones who learn and try new things CONSTANTLY.

These people end their days tired exhausted.

Because they left it all on the line with nothing left to give.

A handyman said this to me once: 

The shirt on your back is not guaranteed. You must earn it every single day. How did you earn YOUR shirt today?


Ask yourself this question DAILY:

Did I earn my shirt today?

I like this saying because it gives meaning to:

Every single day.

Every single action.

Every single response.

Be honest: Did you live today to the BEST of your ability?

This mindset is the stuff that compounds when repeated over and over.

Eventually those actions become habit. Then you level up.

This way of living is biblical too, as God continues to raise the bar higher for us so we are forever growing in wisdom and spirituality. Amen!

Here are 7 ways to earn your shirt today:

  • Be PRESENT. Focus on the moment. Give it your undivided attention.

  • "Move the needle." Instead of only focusing on your to-do list, work hard to go beyond your comfort zone so you can grow.

  • See routines / rituals as TOOLS for unlocking more time. Don't get bogged down by same stuff week after week. Automate, streamline, and outsource tasks that don't matter so you can focus on the things that do!

  • Be INTENTIONAL. Seek to listen / understand other people. Ask questions instead of talking about yourself.

  • Think BIGGER. God has a purpose for your life. ASK HIM to SHOW YOU what that purpose is. His plan is better than yours.

  • Humble yourself by seeking wisdom. Ignore the 24/7 news cycle for the time being, and focus on the macro. That should direct short term actions.

  • Give your 100%. Ask yourself: What would happen if I gave my ALL today? Motivate yourself to get 1% better each day. Because, again, that stuff compounds over time.

Remember: Life involves risk.

No risk = no reward.

Did you earn your shirt today?


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