(BeaverGOLD #003) Pleasure + Comfort

Feb 19, 2022 1:31 pm

Good morning!

Our society is OBSESSED with pleasure + comfort.

Worrying more about where our next source of entertainment will come from, instead of playing the long game and striving for a better society for our next generation. When did we become so selfish?

Before going further, know that I AM NOT IMMUNE to this thinking either.

Like most Americans, I have to face these battles everyday, as we live in a culture that is hyper-focused on quick fixes and serotonin hits.

Though these things are not inherently bad - it's sad to be surrounded by people who feel like they don't have enough, even though they're a part of the greatest civilization in the world.

One with pleasures, qualities of life, comforts, and luxuries that are virtually unthinkable for most parts of the world.

To me, after prayer, it's clear that our nation has a heart problem.

Many in my generation feel like a better-than-average life is owed to them. They expect guarantees, and to be 100% certain that their X input will produce Y results.

The problem with this warped thinking, in my opinion, is that it boxes people in. Plaguing them with a "set of rules" that ultimately robs them from any experiences of growth relating to self-sacrifice and personal responsibility.

To these people:

Uncomfortableness = Something is wrong / They are being attacked

Sacrifice = Discrimination is at play / Unequal opportunity

Lack of understanding = Someone has a different "truth" than me

These are all symptoms of "loser think," because they reject God's path for our life. Putting the power in the hands of those with worldly authority rather than the maker himself.

Thinking like this either brings praise / discernment / calls for error for the creation instead of the creator. Which sets our eyes on things that don't even have the remote possibility of perfection.

Hence the never ending loop of unhappiness and disappointment.

If more people would focus their sights spiritually higher, then they would have a better understanding and ability to be empowered in all their actions.

When we put our focus on God, the rest falls into place.

For me, the days I can make sense of the world and my personal role in it are the ones where I am leaning on Him to guide my every direction.

On the days I don't do that, I am lost.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

We are called to live each moment as if its our last, and be thankful for the opportunities and purpose we have been given.

That is how to have a meaningful life.

One where worldly pleasures and comforts are obsolete.

How do we get more Americans to change their thinking?

Let me know by responding to this email.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend,


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