The plan: blurring the lines on Good VS. Evil

May 03, 2023 2:31 pm


May 3rd, 2023

America has a problem with distinctions. Whether that be between good and evil, man and women, right and wrong, progressive and destructive, inclusive and divisive, or all the above; the lines are blurred more than ever before. 

Marxism preys on a society that lacks distinctions.

And chaos speeds up the graying of these objective Truths faster than anything else. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to watch once-strong institutions crumble as the fundamental Truths that built up our country get yanked and torn to shreds from underneath our feet. 

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In the wake of this radical cultural change plaguing the West, I’m seeing more and more conservatives reject the matrix entirely; ditching social media and replacing it with growing a family and focusing on more localized goals based on Truth and not progressive platitudes and out-of-touch realities that are rooted in nothing more than dishonest modern theology.

For the most part, my conservative friends have rejected the internet world almost completely. They rarely post like they used to. And utilize selective sources for getting their information. Their views on current issues are never swayed by mainstream media headlines, and they’re not caught up in the ‘tick tock’ stories that seemingly go nowhere.

In short; they are moving towards and structuring their lives around the Truths and distinctions that made our society great up until now. Blatantly ignoring the calls for destruction from a godless regime.

My lefty friends, on the other hand, are doing the exact opposite of my conservative friends. Following ‘bombshell’ news day to day just waiting for the ‘promised’ ‘gotcha’ moment that - in most cases - never comes. They see the world as passive. Nothing is really real, and objectivity is all but a social construct. This is why most of these people go through life lacking purpose and grounding. How could they have either of those without a strong foundation? 

The biggest reason for this stark difference, in my opinion, is because conservatives are just too busy to spend most of their time online. They have families. Not to mention higher calling goals that give their actions a greater meaning. Conservatives tend to believe that what they do has purpose. A close second reason is their realization of altered realities being pushed through rigged algorithms by big tech. People who ‘get it’ understand the massive hold these platforms have on our outlook on life. They see that social media and whatever nonsense the mainstream media is peddling is not real.

Of course, conservatives can easily get caught up in this never ending spiral too. As we see it online all the time. The conservatives I’m mainly talking about are the real world people who are building families and businesses outside the realm of social media; the silent majority. We don’t come across these individuals easily (even though they’re in our neighborhoods and churches) because they don’t broadcast their lives to the whole world. Nevertheless, they are there. Teaching the Truth about right and wrong and good and bad to the next generation outside of the internet spotlight that doesn’t award wrongthink the way it does progressivism. 

In my view, these are the more down to earth people; the ones we ought to form communities with and lean on throughout the trials of life because their focuses are more in line with our own. We have far more in common with these folks than we do with the big name conservative influencer who is trying to make a name for themselves in the political game. And the biggest difference here is that the former is much less accessible than the latter.

They’re somewhat ‘off the grid.’

Something I have been studying over the past few months is the power of the family unit and localized communities. Especially ones who are willing to protect and elevate Truth no matter the consequences. Big tech and the left will always say these units and communities are not influential because of their sizes. But that fails to mention that these units were the greatest beacons of hope and change against the Soviet Union’s totalitarian reign until its fall in 1991. 

As outlined in Rob Dreher’s Live Not By Lies, families and communities with God as their focal point were the ONLY broadcasters of Truth under the godless regime. In his book, Dreher talks about how families would get together to share the gospel and promote biblical principles with their children even at the risk of detection which would mean isolation and, in some instances, death.

Ultimately, these efforts salvaged Christianity throughout Eastern Europe and Asia for decades.

Now think about how this applies today. With social media and the mainstream media doing its part to undermine all of America’s traditional institutions and distinctions, Christians are called to unite with one another to (1) reject progressivism and (2) pass on biblical principles to the next generation.

With every story becoming a national headline within minutes, it’s easy for Americans to forget the importance of small scale operations and localized influences. This kind of warped thinking naturally makes us feel more isolated and separated from one another, even though there are countless other families fighting the same battles we are next door and in our zip code.

Fact of the matter is these people just aren’t online as much as the lefties are. Because the risk of highlighting traditional values outweighs its reward in today’s day and age.

Another point to note: ingrained in Americanism is a sense of individuality. We preach: As long as I’m doing every right in my life, then everything else should fall into place too.

This has turned out to be yet another massive lie sold to us, because we are called to work with others within communities to reach common goals. We see the success from giving, sharing, and leaning on other Americans in the growth of private Christian schools where people from all walks of life and regions are coming together to address a pressing need in today’s societies; better schools.

In these examples, which there are plenty, Americans are working hand in hand with one another to build something great. Best part? It’s working. And the intolerant left doesn’t want you to know about it. Other Christians ought to follow this model for teamwork to achieve similar things in their own worlds. As always, since the beginning of time, we have needed each other.

Though the progressive powers that be may make us feel small and invaluable, we must stay vigilant knowing that we can institute change and build a better future together by never ceasing to protect Truth and educate the next generation on the importance of distinctions. Especially the distinction between good and evil, which has been an ongoing spiritual battle since our creation.

Even if those efforts begin on the smallest of scales, the communities we build will serve as the beacons of hope this country needs as progressivism continues to poke its ugly head in all walks of America.

We owe it to our country to fight against the blurring of lines in America. Everything has characteristics for a reason, and there is no middle ground. Spectrums are for cowards.



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