why Telegram may be the next "go-to" app

Feb 22, 2023 3:36 pm


February 22nd, 2023

Some good news for the parallel economy: Telegram has passed Facebook Messenger to become the 2nd most popular messaging app in the world.


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This news is telling for a plethora of reasons. With the main one being people are waking up to the enormous privacy concerns Facebook/Meta imposes.

WhatsApp, which is also owned by Meta, is still ranked number one. But even that app is working hard to implement a pro-privacy alternative that aims to respect free speech more than other big tech rivals.

Remember when Sean Hannity had his text messages leaked about his pro-Trump business plans and willingness to endorse Dr. Oz for the Senate seat in Pennsylvania? One of the biggest takeaways from that exchange from the right was asking if this would have happened had Hannity used a different messaging platform like Telegram instead of iMessage. Something to think about...

We see text messages get leaked all the time, and they are always intended to do harm to the individuals who sent them. So why would ANYONE take chances with the platforms they use for what's meant to be personal conservations?

Even more mainstream platforms like Instagram are seeing this new market push for pro-privacy features like encrypted chats evolving amidst the social media landscape. Which is crazy to think about considering we all used to assume our direct messages were private, then when the Hunter Biden Laptop story was suppressed (even in DMs), we all just subscribed to the precedent that our conversations were being monitored 24/7.

The Hungry Beaver talks all the time about the importance of parallel economy services over mainstream conveniences. And using apps like Telegram or Signal is the perfect place to start.

This may involve urging family members to make the switch to one of these alternatives platforms, but its a battle worth having to avoid putting yourself in a position of vulnerability later down the road.

“People no longer want to exchange their privacy for free services. They no longer want to be held hostage by tech monopolies that seem to think they can get away with anything as long as their apps have a critical mass of users"
-Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram.

Case and point: the market is sending a clear signal to big tech over what they want and expect in a messaging provider. Conservatives have led this push for the past 2+ years, and seeing Telegram soar in the rankings serves as a good basis for the progress the parallel economy movement is making.

It's worth noting that conservatives ought to remain suspicious with everything, because there is no telling when something like Telegram can be comprised.

For that reason, conservatives need to be ready to "bounce around" if any platform stops serving our particular interests. This is how we continue dictating and directing the market towards more/enhanced pro-privacy features.

The Hungry Beaver is on Telegram, because we believe it is the safest and best place to broadcast our message without fear of censorship and blacklisting.

But hey, what choice do we even have at this point, we've already been booted off Instagram for making fun of Hilary Clinton lol.

Thanks for reading!


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