Some good news amidst WWIII (The Rundown 2/25)

Feb 25, 2022 1:21 pm

The Rundown - February 25th

Russia invades Ukraine - President Vladimir Putin threatened “consequences you have never faced in your history” for “anyone who tries to interfere with us.” Trying to justify his invasion of Ukraine and the all-out war he inflicted on the nation Thursday morning. And. Here. We. Go. Hopefully Taiwan isn't next. Of course, libs are saying this is happening because of white privilege.

Good news: Parallel economies are winning - Gab announced that it will be funding startups that oppose Silicon Valley wokeness. This is great news for alt businesses that want to be a part of the parallel economy but need money. In an interview with Tim Pool, The Daily Wire filmmaker, Dallas Sonnier, said Nashville is the new hub for anti-woke talent. He compared Hollywood to "Sodom and Gomorrah." Here is a map of California exodus visualized by State.

Canada has fallen: Trudeau = tyranny - Trudeau crosses the line (AGAIN) by freezing bank accounts, trampling protestors with horses, and holding onto his emergency powers. What's scary is there is a new poll indicating democrats largely approve of Trudeau’s authoritarian crackdown on freedom convoy protesters. Fortunately, Trudeau eventually revoked his powers.

Trump's TRUTH Social has buggy launch - On President's day, Trump launched his new social media app along with buggy features, liberal rage, and one major RED FLAG. Many new users are reportedly still on the waiting list. I'm number 180,032 lol.

Honorable mentions

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