BeaverGOLD (Issue #002)

Feb 05, 2022 2:01 pm

I’ve been playing with this idea for a short story:

Guy finds a key, but he has no idea what that key will unlock. None whatsoever.

The only thing he does know is that there is a key in his hand, and that he can't explain why he's so determined to find the door that it unlocks.

Over time, he tries the key on various doors in different buildings, meeting friends along the way to help him in his quest.

Will he eventually find the door that his key unlocks?

I’m not sure about that part yet, but what I do know is that by the end of the story, the protagonist is accompanied by a team of like-minded followers who are equally determined to find this mysterious door with him.

Perhaps finding the right door doesn’t even matter...

Is my story a cheesy concept? Probably.

But this is how I’ve felt ever since my college days when I knew I was put on this earth to live a life that was different.

Shoot, maybe The Hungry Beaver is the door to be unlocked, but honestly, I'm perfectly fine admitting it probably isn’t.

All I know is I have a burning desire to do something with the talents that God has embedded within me. So I might as well try.

My silly key example is the best way I can visualize those feelings...

Sadly, I feel that maybe people nowadays would just throw away their key.

Many seem to lack curiosity, or had some bozo loser poo poo their sense of adventure somewhere along the way.

The point is: Few people take chances.

Everything has to be guaranteed to them, or they won't "waste their time" on it.

And I can think of no better way to describe that state of mind other than


Or maybe vanilla is a better word lol.

Anyways, as the trials of life and the responsibilities that come with getting older ramp up, I find myself defaulting to this boring state more often than I would like.

Having to snap myself out of that mindset as soon possible.

But I've been able to overcome those downfalls because of people like YOU.

Supporters and mentors who have helped me see the big picture instead of just the day to day wins and loses such is life.

So, again, thank you for your impact on me.

Truth is, life can be boring when we focus on our daily routines and rituals too much, take them for granted, and never look beyond them.

The way I see it --

Routines and rituals are nothing more than tools for unlocking more time.

Few understand this, and instead, see their daily tasks as checklist items for a to-do list that just needs to be completed to ensure success. From what the people I look up to have taught me, you’re not doing enough if you're continuously getting everything done.

I’m inspired by the people who end their days tired. No wait - exhausted.

Because they did all that they could in their day and end it with nothing left to give. I've learned that this feeling of giving your all doesn’t come from "hustling" and just being busy...

It comes from being present. In all things!

Thinking every moment through to its fullest degree to ensure you're extracting all that can be learned from them. No matter the lesson.

Here’s a good term for it: Earn your shirt.

I think a handyman said this to me once, and it went something like this: 

The shirt on your back is not guaranteed. You must earn it every single day. How did you earn YOUR shirt today?

I like this saying because it gives meaning to every single day.

Every single action.

Every single response.

Ask yourself - no matter what you do - did I do this to the BEST of my ability?

This way of working hard is the stuff that compounds when repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Eventually it becomes habit, so then you level up.

This way of living is biblical too, as God continues to raise the bar higher for us so we are forever growing in wisdom and spirituality. Amen!

To close, I shared this short story idea (and little rant) with you today because I don’t want people to throw away their key.

It's stupid.

Instead, I want people to stop accepting other people’s callings and the way THEY do life as their own, because a lack of imagination / personal responsibility is something I believe to be plaguing far too many people nowadays. Especially youngsters.

Life involves risk.

And it infuriates me that our society and government is trying to sell us a bogus utopia where harm is eradicated and risk is unthinkable. 

It's bolonja. 

Life is too short for that nonsense.

So I'll end this email with 2 questions:

  1. What does your key unlock?
  2. Are you willing to do what it takes to find out?




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Have a wonderful Saturday!
