Did I just go viral?

Feb 16, 2022 7:51 pm

This morning I wrote a blog.

Then posted it on Reddit where it blew up.

  • 4,650 site visits

Here's the Reddit post.



Case and point: People are fed up with big tech.

They are clearly silencing people they disagree with.

Forcing anyone with opposing viewpoints to move to alternative platforms like Gab, Getter, Minds, Float, and so on.

DefiantLs - the account they permanently suspended yesterday was literally an account that posted SCREENSHOTS of liberal tweets.

(Yes, that's all)

Twitter, of course, provided no further reasoning for the ban.

Here's what people are saying:

"So pathetic that Twitter by some made up excuse, 'ban evasion' this time, purges any large account that questions hypocritical pundits and the powerful establishment. That account was awesome and wasn't even partisan if you followed it closely. I think he's still on Instagram and some other site." - @Forbiddentru

"This sort of erasure of the past was literally Winston's very job in Orwell's 1984." - @TeaPartyOverlord

"It's pretty telling when Twitter bans an account that makes fun of Democrats and Democrat voters. I'm sure there are several accounts that do the exact same thing the other direction, and Twitter won't touch 'em. It speaks volumes."
- @Nikkolios

"Libs can’t handle having their idiocy thrown back in their faces." - @PlayfulCouple7779

Read more comments here.



Big tech isn't even pretending anymore.

+ It's scary to think of who they are going to go after next.

Fortunately, alternative platforms are gaining popularity. And their tech is getting more competitive by the day too.

In my opinion, platforms like Twitter and Facebook are digging their own graves at this point.

Us freedom-loving individuals know their motives, and are working DILIGENTLY to create new ecosystems where we don't need big tech and their conveniences anymore.

We're building our own economies / marketplaces / social media

"This isn’t the end of an era, it is only the beginning."

We are gonna win!

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