where did all the role models go?

Dec 06, 2022 6:35 pm


December 6th, 2022

The kids don't have strong role models anymore.

Personally, I think it's on purpose. Because everyone the media flaunts in front of our children is fat, ugly, whiney, lazy, and/or disenfranchised in some way.

Where did all the champions of strength, hard word, and perseverance go?

Today's email will go through the following:

  • Why we need to *actively* seek good role models
  • How to find people who can serve as the "north star" of our goals
  • Get 3 "hidden gem" tools/ideas for finding good role models

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💡 Problem

Our culture tells us to look up to people who are not good role models. Society has pushed principle and virtue out the window to make room for instant gratification and laziness. Finding great role models takes effort these days.

🔥 Our Take

Smart people who make constant progress on their goals have specific people they look up to. These are not people on the cover of today's magazines, and are often very "normal" individuals who live their lives *differently* compared to the masses. The key is to find these people and study them (whether that be closely or from a distance). Choose wisely...

📰 Case study

Arnold Schwarzenegger tells about his obsession with Reg Park in The Education of a Bodybuilder. Arnold routinely talks about how he would look up to Park in all aspects of life from physic, nutrition, and composure. Park served as Arnold's north star. Giving him better insight into what to do next, what pitfalls to avoid, and how to continue leveling up in the world of bodybuilding (and life).

Case and point: Arnold looked up to Park to *always* strive to be better.


🎯 Actions

  • Be proactive in finding 4 people who are at a place in life you are not. This can be in any area (fitness, smarts, wisdom, faith, etc). Learn about what makes them stand out and excel by looking at what they do (and what they don't do). A good person worth studying is *typically* hard to find, as they are not *those people* flaunting about how great they are 24/7 on Twitter.

  • Read about some of America's most iconic role models. As you know, we used to be a country that applauded strength, brains, and virtues. What you'll quickly find is that many of these role models had *downsides* the media chose to ignore in place of symbolism. Explore how Hollywood used somewhat manufactured role models to promote good traits (ones you would want your kids to learn about) in movies and films. Then notice the stark difference in the role models society props up today.

  • Ask yourself why Hollywood can only find objectively good role modes through nostalgia. Then create a list of traits you want to implement in your life and your kid's. Create daily, weekly, and monthly actions to help you obtain those sought after traits. Track your progress routinely.

🚧 Warnings

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger basically made an idol out of Reg Park. But at the same time, he as a bodybuilder was able to "copy and paste" what would push him to the next level while shredding off anything that didn't work for his own personal journey. Do not copy what a role model does entirely.

  • Seek out role models of today. Past American favorites are good to study too, but they also had their time and place. Also, with social media, we know a lot more about celebrities and impactful people than ever before (like the nitty gritty stuff). Do not let this be a deterrent.

💎 Hidden Gems

  • Spend far more time reading than doing.

  • Track everything you do for 2 weeks with Toggl.

💬 Q&A

We asked people on social media who their role models were as kids:

My father for things I cherish as good.. For things I consider foolish, bad or otherwise stupid however.. well, I had many friends that provided adequate role-modelling for 'things one ought not do' - which IMO is an equally valid form of wisdom departed. - John Becket

Amy Grant. Like early 80s Amy Grant. - The Joyful Lily

My mom - Lynn

🔑 Takeaway

How much time are you wasting per week worried about random people on the internet and their opinions? With so much noise in the world, it's important to find great people who are navigating the storm and learn from their actions (and in some cases, inaction). Be proactive in finding people who are living a life of significance and work towards implementing the habits that set them a part into your daily life. It's hard work our mainstream media won't do for you anymore.

Hope you enjoyed. If so, please consider sharing this email with 2 friends. And don't forget to follow The Hungry Beaver on Telegram!

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Talk soon,


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