Thanks for the CRACK, Joe! (Rundown 2/11)

Feb 11, 2022 2:11 pm

The Rundown - February 11th

Ivermectin is a no no, but crack pipes? Different story - The Babylon Bee editor in chief said this story would have been too absurd to run with had one of their writers come up with this headline, but it's true. Yes, this is the kind of stuff our tax money is going towards. And no, this isn't another case of rEpUbliCanS PoUnCiNG. Remember the logic: Ivermectin = horse dewormer (bad), "safe smoking kits" for junkies = good! Seems like the WH is walking this one back.

Who is Leana Wen? (weird mask lady at CNN) - As you may have noticed, election season is upon us, and well, democrats aren't looking so hot. Turns out the world is fed up with their stupid c*vid mandates, so many are changing their tune by removing all restrictions (like New York) under the guise of "the science has changed." Leana Wen has been the most circulated example of this.

Related: Check out this THREAD of people who had something awful happen as a result of c*vid restrictions over the past 2 years.

Joe Rogan caves to the mob - First they tried to censor Rogan by lying about him using horse dewormer (Ivermectin), then they went for the "misinformation" play. When neither of those worked, they used the race card. Sadly, Rogan apologized, which is something you should never do to the mob. When they smell blood, they go for more. This led to 113 episodes being memory-holed (on a Friday, of course). Rumble offered Rogan $100 million dollars to switch to their platform. Comedian Tim Dillion had the best summary of this political hatchet job. Don't forget, context only matters if you're on the left side of the aisle.

Truckers of are still HONKING (and winning) - Alberta, Canada, ended all their vaccine passport initiatives. In short, they're caving! Trudeau is still holding on to his ridiculous tyranny. So a new conservative candidate announced he's running to get this shill out of office. In alt-tech news: GoFundMe seized $10 million dollars of trucker fundraising money, prompting donors to jump ship and give their money to GiveSendGo. They have already raised nearly $6 million in less than a week.

Even more winning: Youngkin + parents vs. Loudon county - Students whose families oppose masks arrived at a Loudon County school board meeting carrying basket of affidavits. Read more about what this means. It's clear that VA is leading the culture war when it comes to masking in schools, and it's nice to see many blue states following suite in lea of the shifting political tide. Even New Jersey and Massachusetts are getting the message, despite what the WH is saying. Case and point: Don't mess with parents!

Honorable mentions


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