Big news from Beavs Estate

May 02, 2022 5:21 pm

Happy Monday!

I’m happy to announce that Beavs is now a dad!

Not only am I over the moon about this new baby girl in my life...

But I’m also in awe about how far The Hungry Beaver has come since my wife first got pregnant. You can read about the journey here.



Now, here are the latest stories:

Big brother Biden doubles down on Orwellian “disinfo” board - Just a few hours after Elon bought Twitter and got Americans all hyped up about freedom again, the WH announced its new Orwellian “Disinfo Governance Board.”

The head of Biden’s “ministry of truth” may be a cringey weirdo, but don’t sleep on what she’s planning to do - Nina Jankowicz, the already embattled chief of Biden’s creepy “ministry of truth” has turned the whole project into a total laughing stock in less than 24 hours. Don't count her out though.

Spotify ditches Obama - ICYMI Spotify has declined the renewal of the Obamas exclusive podcast contract. This sends a promising signal to the industry that left-wing talking points simply don’t pay the bills anymore.

Tyrant, come take it - 2A still holds true almost 250 years later, and the globalist establishment hates that. As our founding fathers knew, the last line of defense from tyranny is an armed population. And as history would have it, any government that owns all the guns will take full control over its people sooner or later. 

Just $5 a month will help us get to where we need to be - If you believe in The Hungry Beaver and want to invest in a growing company that is dedicated towards influencing the culture and building a brand that empowers America, then click the button below to pledge a few bucks a month.

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Here's to an awesome week ahead,

