BeaverGOLD (Issue #001)

Jan 22, 2022 1:41 pm

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Now, let's jump into it.


A few months ago, I wrote a popular post on 8 ways to make radical change in your life. Now, as we kick start a brand new year, I wanted to revisit this topic. As I’ve personally learned a lot of cool new things since growing this blog.

I’ve come up with a list of 4.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

(1) Systems are better than goals

Systems are your ticket to efficiency and consistency. Think about it. Goals are arbitrary, while systems are disciplined. 

If you say to yourself, “I will go to the gym 3 times a week,” you are fundamentally enslaved to a weekly energy-sucking activity of coordinating your schedule around 3 activities that may or may not happen depending on outside circumstances. 

Now swap that goal with a system; “Every morning I will wake up, put on workout clothes, run to the gym, and lift weights.” Operating like this removes external forces so you can focus on the one task in front of you. This way of thinking isn’t some sort of program, it’s a lifestyle. 

The way I view it, everything should be welded down into a system; paying bills, yard work, dish washing, writing, reading, all of it. Systemizing as many actions as you can will free up more time for the things that truly matter. 

Once it’s done, it’s done. 

One of the worst things a person can do is clutter his or her mind by thinking about what they should be doing next. Instead, design your life around focusing on the present.

(2) The world needs more people with a “winners” attitude

There are a lot of reasons for pessimism and “loser think”. What I mean by this is the world can be an incredibly morbid place depending on what information is being fed into your mind.

Because of this, I recommend focusing on the good and making a consistent effort to see the “brighter side” of things. Better yet, put your trust in God while reminding yourself that everything that happens on this earth is because He allowed for it. 

In the end, we know we will win. So be optimistic about that! 

Thinking long term is a good way to do this, but another way is to be cautious about what you listen to, read, and choose to talk about. If something is not within your realm of control, then it’s not worth your time.

(3) You either understand history or trust the government. Not both.

In my original post, I urged everyone to read the communist manifesto. 

The reason I said that was because understanding other people’s worldviews and viewpoints - more importantly, how they come up with their arguments - is a good way to strengthen yours. 

This year, I’m urging more Americans to incorporate history into their regular intake of information. Because it’s paramount in spotting patterns, understanding why things are happening today, and being prepared for whatever tyrannical agenda comes knocking on our country’s door next.

Want to be the ultimate prepper? Follow the patterns of history.

In short, history shows that governments always abuse their power. And they never give that power back once it’s been taken. People who do not recognize this are naive (or on the side of the oppressors) in my opinion. The best way to plan ahead is to pay attention, spot patterns, raise red flags when appropriate, and lean on God through all the turbulence of the storm. 

You will gain far more information about what’s to come from literature and the Bible than you would from some random blog post. 

(4) You cannot buy fitness or health

At the start of this year, I needed caffeine boosts periodically just to get through my day. Over time, I got my fitness and health under control, which miraculously improved my baseline energy on all fronts. 

Not only was I more attentive over the course of a full day, but I was more effective and happier. People enjoyed being around me more, which was all the ROI I needed to know that fitness and health must remain a vital part of my life forever.

I’ve personally seen people invest all of their time and energy into their careers under the false assumption that they could make up for what they lost health wise after they became rich. What happened? They never got their health back. It was too hard in their later years.

Put first things first.

What you do today will always affect your trajectory of tomorrow. Always.


Hope you enjoyed this read!

Happy Saturday!

