how routine + convenience is paralyzing conservatives

Feb 15, 2023 2:01 pm


February 15th, 2023

What’s one thing people in today’s day and age refuse to give up? 


We’re so infatuated by routine and convenience, that we are hesitant to do anything that may disrupt our flow of life. This is why doing anything out of our comfort zone - embarking on a new side hustle, practicing a new skill, trying something strange and new - is hard to start.

Let alone maintain and implement on a consistent basis...

I’ve personally talked to millionaires. And they always give similar advice. One of those pieces of wisdom is being constantly uncomfortable and a willingness to try new things. 

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We talked about this in last week’s email; we cannot just keep doing the same things over and over - week after week - expecting different results. 

Many Americans are confused by how fast the left is able to implement its radical ideas. Just look at the trans phenomenon. Through their persistence, they have been able to redefine terms like “gender affirming care,” putting conservatives on constant defense when talking about bans towards trans kids and their apparent “right” to pump themselves with puberty altering hormones that will disrupt their psyche forever.

The vast majority of conservatives are way too comfortable to force societal change like the left does. And the biggest reason for is because progressives see their utopian vision as their religion. So they have built their childless activist lifestyles around the pursuit of radical change. Now imagine how much of a difference our side could make if we had that same kind of energy.

Instead, conservatives are more hopeful than actionable. 

The right surely has a presence that is working hard to combat woke culture, but how many of us are truly putting everything we can - time, money, and attention - into these causes? For example, some people are still supporting big tech platforms that hate us because their services are better than alternative ones. Of course, services like Google are far more convenient than say Brave.

As a starting place for conservatives, we need to be mindful that a societal shift involves a lifestyle shift in numerous capacities as well. We mentioned this last week; a great avenue to start involves focusing on family and community. As these biblical institutions will serve as symbols for others about true freedom and true joy.

In today’s email, I’m urging you to now move towards altering your lifestyle to one that gives money to companies that are actively fighting for our causes. This may mean less quality products and services on its head, but at least we know our money is going towards building organizations with our same values and beliefs. Any company who rejects these things (and outright fights against them) must be ousted from our lifestyle all together. Because it’s how we play our part in today’s economic warfare.

Lifestyle is what makes the average American complacent and paralyzed in their norms. Build your life around things that are playing into a better future for this country. And keep that vision in mind whenever you make a decision about where to spend your money and what you should be giving your attention to. Don’t let what you have been doing hold you as its slave.

Do something you might think is crazy, and go all in on those wild ideas you have always had. Heck, the left does this all the time, and look at how far they’ve gotten by their “delusions.” It’s not enough to support conservatives who are speaking out against the regime. Now we must devote our other resources towards building up alternative platforms that can eventually grow big enough to fight the woke corps head on. The Daily Wire is just one example of a company making massive gains on the mainstream media profile.

Question of the week: How can you alter your lifestyle TODAY to get America to a better place TOMORROW?


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