Important “Juneteenth” Message

Jun 18, 2022 11:51 am

It’s weekend. The “Juneteenth” OOO emails are already rolling in. And I've just about called it a day. Turns out running an up-and-coming media company is hard work. But I'm thankful for the opportunity to give it a shot.

Anyways, I wanted to pop in here before you all start celebrating your sacred "Juneteeths" to say that I am proud to be an American.

Yes, I know the country is on a dramatic downturn, and that the commies are diligently working to upend our institutions, but I am still an optimistic fella (you should be too). And I know that things can change.

Skyrocketing gas prices, record-high inflation, and an out-of-control southern border aside, the fact is (if you are reading this email), we are a part of people fighting hard for Truth. Not to mention a better future for our children, their children, and our children’s children’s children.

That means something. At least to me, it does.

As a THB update, our team is working hard to be a part of the creative revolution this country desperately needs. That means we are building our infrastructure to be a part of the emerging market that is CRAVING anti-establishment content.

We're hiring writers. Getting involved on social. To bring you the most important cultural content that the mainstream media is not reporting on...

The Hungry Beaver is creating, writing, and producing great content that is original, fresh, new, fun, and bringing something entirely new to the table. 

In our eyes, this is how WE WIN.

Fortunately, it is becoming easier than ever to bypass the establishment to view and create content that is raw, unfiltered, and actually good quality. We encourage you to join in on the action however you can.

Perhaps by starting a business or blog of your own to create a new income stream for you and your family amid Bidenflation (AKA the real pandemic).

All it takes is a little digging to stumble on a whole new world of talent and creativity that hasn't been corrupted by an agenda. The key is to support these types of companies and creators so they can keep doing what they're doing. And in turn, inspire others to do the same.

We need originality now more than ever before.

If you support our mission, consider pledging $5 monthly (if you haven't already) to help us continue to build up our infrastructure so that we can continue to share the content you LOVE that will help you live a better life. That is our sole mission after all. But we need your help.

>>> Click here to become a monthly donor ($5 per month)

>>> Click here to become a monthly donor ($5 per month)

>>> Click here to become a monthly donor ($5 per month)

SIDE NOTE: Our goal for July is to acquire 50 new paying subscribers so we can cover our costs for The Hungry Beaver. If you have found value in our work, would you please consider being a part of that 50????

In the meantime, we have been asked to provide more daily content for our subscribers, so we started a Telegram. Which is the best way to share all that we are doing and commenting on DAILY.

You can join that channel for free here.

Our solemn vow to you is that we will eventually build upon new ideas that are unlike anything else. Ones this generation can one day pride itself on.

Enough with the reboots and sequels: America needs to start creating original, exciting stories again. That means no more Batman reboots, or edgy remakes of 90s classics like the "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air."

Yes, it will take time. But it's an investment that is worth the push.

Our pop culture depends on it.

We want to be a part of that mission, however, we need your help.

>>> Click here to become a monthly donor ($5 per month)

Be blessed THB fam. Enjoy your Juneteenth! And as always, respond to this email with any comments, questions, and suggestions. You can always expect a reply from me - I guarantee it!

God speed,

