The sad news about DuckDuckGo...

Mar 10, 2022 7:07 pm

The Rundown - March 11th

Gas prices are like, really really high guys - Man I wish our country was energy independent. To make matters worse, celebs are up to their usual virtue signaling again. And of course, the WH is lying. As food prices soar 20% too! But hey, at least we can view all this malarkey as a "mORaL wiN."

Kamala Harris will literally do everything BUT her job - So Biden has tasked the VP to negotiate a diplomatic solution for the Ukraine crisis. You know, just like he did with the U.S. southern border crisis. Buckle up! And get ready for more cringe laugher and kindergarten level explainers like this.

Children SEVERELY behind in reading - *Sigh* I wonder why. On top of that, dems are going coconuts over the new Florida bill that prevents the teaching of sexual orientation or gender identity to preK through third graders. They've rebranded it as the "don't say gay" bill. And Psaki finds DeSantis horrendous.

Propaganda flooding Russia AND Ukraine media - I got a lot of backlash from this post on Reddit, with users calling me a "bigot" and "moron," but I rest my case: None of us know what's going on with this war. Nor how deep the propaganda FROM BOTH SIDES goes. Pay attention, and stay skeptical.

Big tech *tries* to censor again - YouTube SCRUBED the Oliver Stone documentary titled “Ukraine on Fire.” So Rumble vowed to keep it online. Oh, and Duck Duck Go may have just ended their whole career in one tweet - plaguing themselves with the new nickname "the poor man's Google." Yikes! Thing about censoring content is it normally backfires, creating even MORE buzz around the material than originally intended. Nice work commies!

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