Are you like Mommy Emily?

Oct 08, 2023 6:01 am

Finding Balance: A Heartfelt Story and Practical Tips for Working Moms

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Dear ,

I’m not sure if you missed my email last week pero aaminin ko, I skipped sending you one.

The second time that I missed sending an email.

I committed to never miss sending you an email every Sunday.

So kapag may namimiss ako, I feel kind of bad. 

Hindi na 100% ang performance ko huhu (sabi ng perfectionist self ko).

Pero after feeling that emotion, I forgive myself and move on.

I learned how to be gentle with myself.

Anyway, I have this story that I hope you will find a lesson, an inspiration, a hope, or all.


“Once there was a young mother named Emily. She was a dedicated professional, striving to make a mark in her career. But her most cherished role was that of a mother. 

Emily's days were a whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and mommy duties. She often felt torn between her job and her family. Her heart longs for the elusive work-life balance.

One night, after a particularly challenging day, Emily found herself sitting in her baby’s room, watching her little one sleep. 

In that quiet moment, she realized something profound. 

The beauty of motherhood lies not in the perfection of balancing it all but in embracing the imperfections of the journey.

Emily decided to make a change, and slowly but surely, she began to apply a few simple practices that transformed her life.”


Curious ka ba kung ano ang ginawa ni Emily that helped her transform her life?

I dug in and this is what I found out.

1. Prioritization: Emily started each day by identifying her top three priorities, both at work and at home. This helped her focus on what truly mattered and reduced overwhelm.

2. Time Blocking: She divided her day into time blocks, allocating specific hours for work, family, and self-care. This structure allowed her to be fully present in each role.

3. Mindful Moments: She incorporated small moments of mindfulness into her daily routine. Whether it was taking a deep breath before a meeting or savoring bedtime stories with her child, these moments brought calm amidst chaos.

4. Asking for Help: Emily realized that seeking support was not a sign of weakness. She enlisted the help of family, friends, and childcare services when needed, giving her moments of rest.

Naka-relate ka din ba ?

As I reflect on Emily's journey, I'm reminded of the strength and resilience that mothers like you possess. 

It's okay to struggle, but it's also essential to seek balance. 

Here are two steps inspired by Emily's story that you can do to change and find balance in your life:

1. Prioritize Your Day: Take a moment each morning to identify your top three priorities for both work and family life. Write them down and revisit them throughout the day to ensure you're focusing on what truly matters.

2. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to lean on your support network, whether it's family, friends, or childcare services. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Delegate tasks that others can handle, giving you time to recharge.

One way to seek support is to find online communities such as our Facebook page, The Happy Mommy Blog.

Click Here To Like and Follow The Happy Mommy Blog

But you must also remember that finding balance is an ongoing journey. 

It’s not a one-time destination. 

By implementing even one or two of these suggestions, you can take meaningful steps toward achieving greater harmony between your work and family life.

Emily's story reminds me that, as a working mom, I have the power to rewrite my story.

One small change at a time. 

Do you think you can do it too?

Your journey is uniquely yours.

And every step you take brings you closer to the beautiful balance you seek.

I wish you a moment’s rest as you read this email.

So you can move forward with renewed hope and strength to face the week full of hope and love.

Have a blessed Sunday!


Mommy Fivemay

Mommy Fivemay is the founder of The Happy Mommy Blog, the vision of which is to see our children lead happy and fulfilling family lives. Our mission is to make you a happy mom. Because a happy mom makes a happy family.

You can find Mommy Fivemay creating valuable, informative, and entertaining content about breastfeeding, natural birth, freelancing business, health and wellness, motherhood, and parenting through her different social media channels:

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