10 ways to make breastfeeding successful while working work

Aug 20, 2023 6:01 am

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Dear ,

Kumusta ka?

Kwento ka naman ng mga ganap sayo.

Namimiss din kitang kausap.

Kahit sa emails lang.

Reply ka naman ng kwento mo.

I'll be happy to read stories from you. :-)

Antayin ko kwento mo ha....

Anyway, share ko lang today ang insights on how to make breastfeeding successful kahit kung nagwowork ang isang nanay.

I put together this 10 list for you. You can share this to someone too who you might think needs to know this list.

  1. Pumping Schedule: Establishing a consistent pumping schedule can help maintain your milk supply and ensure your baby has enough milk while you're away. Block out time on your calendar and communicate your pumping needs with your team to ensure uninterrupted breaks.
  2. Breastfeeding-Friendly Work Environment: Advocate for a comfortable and private space at your workplace for pumping sessions. It's your right to have a safe and clean area where you can express milk comfortably.
  3. Learn and practice hand-expression: Hand expression is the next best thing about breastfeeding. You don't have to buy an expensive breast pump. You can do it anywhere and anytime. You don't need electricity or replace any broken parts to use it. You don't waste time, water, or detergent to wash it. You can even get the highest output because your hands can adjust according to your breast size, shape, or even the specific area where the milk ducts are still full.
  4. Storage and Transport: Invest in proper storage containers and bags for your pumped milk. Label each container with the date to ensure freshness. A cooler bag can be handy for transporting milk to and from work.
  5. Support Network: Share your breastfeeding goals and challenges with your partner, family, and friends. Their support and understanding can make a big difference in your journey.
  6. Nutrition and Hydration: Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated to support your milk production. Incorporate breastfeeding-friendly foods and keep healthy snacks readily available.
  7. Self-Care: Remember to prioritize self-care. Balancing work, motherhood, and breastfeeding can be demanding. Take breaks to relax, practice deep breathing, and engage in activities you enjoy.
  8. Flexibility and Planning: Plan ahead to manage your workload and commitments, allowing flexibility in case unexpected issues arise. Having a backup plan for childcare and milk supply can reduce stress.
  9. Open Communication: Communicate with your employer about your breastfeeding needs. Many workplaces are supportive and accommodating when they understand the importance of breastfeeding for both you and your baby.
  10. Seek Professional Help: If you encounter challenges such as low milk supply or latch issues, don't hesitate to consult a lactation consultant or a healthcare professional.

Remember, you're doing an incredible job by providing the best for your baby while managing your career.

It's okay to ask for help and make adjustments along the way.

Feel free to reach out if you ever need someone to talk to or share experiences.

You got this !

Your biggest fan,

Mommy Fivemay

Mommy Fivemay is the founder of The Happy Mommy Blog, the vision of which is to see our children lead happy and fulfilling family lives. Our mission is to make you a happy mom. Because a happy mom makes a happy family.

You can find Mommy Fivemay creating valuable, informative, and entertaining content about breastfeeding, natural birth, freelancing business, health and wellness, motherhood, and parenting through her different social media channels:

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