Why you should WELCOME Problems in your life?

Dec 05, 2023 2:25 pm

Your life would be much easier if you didn't have any problems, right?


Without problems, there aren't opportunities.

Facing problems and overcoming them is a sign you are growing in life.

"People who don't have problems are usually those who are dead."

Story Time:

About 2 years ago, my life was a mess.

I was lost in the abyss and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.

Imagine every day waking up with more and more problems thrown at you.

How would you feel...?





The same used to happen to me.

"When will it ever end?" I thought.

About that time, I read this sentence in a book,

"Solving problems is how you grow in life".

That was the time when my perspective on problems changed completely.

I realised I just needed to change my mindset about problems to turn around my life completely.

You should welcome problems with open arms and face them head-on.

Book Recommendation: If you are in the same situation as I was a few years ago, try reading the book "Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins. It will help you out with changing your mindset about problems.

4 reasons why Problems should be welcomed:

  1. Problems are a sign of life
  2. Problems indicate things can be improved
  3. Problems are often a blessing in disguise
  4. Your income is in direct proportion to what type of problems you solve

The most important thing that I realised all the people at the top are getting paid a shit ton of money to solve problems.

I came across this equation:

The bigger the problem you solve = The more money you get paid

That's when my life took a massive turn.

Instead of running away from problems like my past self, I started accepting them and working hard to figure out the solutions.

The Result?

I started improving at a much faster rate in core areas of life like health & wealth.

So, if you ever feel like you are getting paid less, just analyse the types of problems you are solving for others in your day-to-day life.


Once you stop running away from problems, your lives will improve significantly.

P.S. If you have any questions or some interesting story to share, I would love to hear from you.

See you soon, CMM!
