You have been LIED to, Money isn't EVIL....

Mar 17, 2024 12:15 pm


Have you ever heard people say, "Money is EVIL"?

If yes, they are lying to you.

But why do they say it, have you ever wondered?


It's because they don't have it. Saying money is EVIL is just a coping mechanism for them.

They are not just lying to you, but also lying to themselves.


What exactly is Money $$?

Money is "POWER"

Money gives you the ability to walk away from people and situations you don't like.

It has the power to solve 99% of your problems. EASILY.

People who say money doesn't solve your problems, just don't have enough MONEY.

Most people commit crimes just to earn money.


People around you will say, "mOnEy iS eViL & iT wIlL mAkE yOu eViL",

...Is it true?


Money doesn't make you evil, it just amplifies your personality.

If you are a bad person, you'll do more bad things once you have money.

If you are a good person, you'll do more good things once you have money.

But why is it important to stop believing money is evil and stop hating it?

Because Hating money is a BROKE mindset.

If you keep hating on money and rich people, you will never be able to become one yourself.

Lesson: Stop believing money is EVIL & start loving MONEY, but don't be overly greedy.

Money is an ENERGY.

To attract it, you have to match your vibration to its energy.

That’s the hardest part that 90% of people fail at & stay broke for the rest of their lives.

I hope you can now change your mindset on MONEY.

If you did, reply "MONEY IS POWER" to this email & preach it every morning.

P.S. If you are interested in starting a Twitter/X-based business that can make you $100/day, check out: The Art Of Twitter (Click on the link)

I started my journey with this guide and here's the proof of the money I made from just one method I learned from it & there are way more. (Note: This was also a passive income source)

Proof: Gumroad Dashboard


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Your Man, CMM!

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Money is power
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