Achieve Walmart-Level Buying Power for Your Rx Spend
Aug 26, 2024 4:57 pm
As the buyer for your self-funded health plan, you understand the importance of securing the best prices for prescription drugs. But how can you leverage the buying power of giants like Walmart or Amazon?
Through our partnership with a national pharmacy benefits optimizer, your company can access Fortune 10 / 3M member+ Rx pricing, just like these major players. For example:
- Florida Health System saved $50M+ in the first year.
- A comprehensive solution cut one hospital's costs by over 30%.
- Expert clinical guidance saved another $575K+.
- Parity pricing dose optimization saved $5.85 PMPM.
Would you be open to a quick 15-minute introduction to explore how your Rx spend compares to Fortune 10 pricing? We’ll request a few documents, conduct an analysis, and present our findings so you can decide if this is the right fit for you.
There's no need to change your benefits broker for this review. As a former HR Exec turned benefits broker, I prioritize transparency, trust, and your best interests.
Looking forward to connecting.
Robert "Bo" Brabo
Sr. Client Advisor