New Pricing for our NVC Training Course

Mar 21, 2024 5:13 pm


We have recently restructured our NVC Training Course to make it accessible to more people.

It is now a self-guided course complete with video lessons, assignments, and worksheets. The new price for our NVC Intro Course is only $97.

What’s the big difference between the old course and the new one?

Access to weekly Empathy Gym training sessions. With the new course, you will get to join 2 free weekly Empathy Gym Practice Group sessions in Weeks 7 and 8.

Once you complete the NVC Intro Course, you will receive an invitation to continue your NVC journey with an Empathy Gym membership for $47 per month.

Get access to our new NVC Intro Course today! Click here to sign up 😄

To Your Success,

Dr. B
