May Update: New Training Cohort, Empathy Gym, Mini-Course, Rewards Program, Podcast

May 11, 2021 7:31 pm


Ok, we have a ton of new things happening this month and I want to keep you updated with what's going on, plus offer some rewards to thank you all. A lot of our growth is due to all of you and the people you keep spreading the word to. So thank you!! Let's dive in...

🧠 New Cohort Starting The Week of May 31st

I sent out an email last week around this, but just want to remind you in case you missed it. We're launching a new cohort the week of May 31st and we're trying to figure out which time is the best each week to meet for the live sessions.

If you're planning on signing up please fill out this form with the best times for your to meet each week.

If you've already filled out the form, thank you, and please be on the lookout for another email soon announcing and opening the course for enrollment. Last time, in March, we sold out within the first 24 hours which was mindblowing 🤯 and awesome!

💪 Our Empathy Gym Opens Soon

This is something we are super proud of. After all of our trainings in the past, people have always asked "how can I continue to practice this?" Well until now the answer has always been "in your everyday life".

But when the Empathy Gym opens at the end of this month, early next month, we'll now have space for people to show up and get practice and further their training in a controlled setting. We'll share so much more about this in the coming weeks, but for now, here's the skinny.

It's a monthly membership, like a gym, where you can come to as many sessions as you want each week to learn, connect with others, and practice strengthening your empathy and NVC muscles. Aww man there's so much more I want to tell you, but Cindy and our Instructional Designer Denise are working hard on creating this so I'm going to wait.

📺 The Mini-Course is Now Live

We now have a 5 day, 5 video, around 5 minutes each, mini-course on improving your communication, your relationships, your life. We created this course for several reasons.

One, Cindy's goal really is to get this framework of communicating out to the world, get this in the hands of as many people as possible, and hopefully make a dent and change the world for the better.

Two, it's free. That helps solve the first reason and gives people a taste of Cindy's teaching style before they dive into the Intro Course.

Three, it's something for you all to easily share. I've talked to many of you over the last couple of months and I consistently hear that you want to tell people about this. Or you have a group of people you want to get this to. Well now, with our mini-course you have somewhere to send them to you so they can learn more.

And finally, it's quick and hard-hitting. We tried to pack as much value into it as possible and cover one main topic of our teaching each day in less than 6 minutes.

We'd love to get your feedback on it. You can access it here. Please let us know what you think. And feel free to share it.

🎉 Referral Rewards Program

I've mentioned this a couple of times throughout this email, but a lot of our growth is thanks to you all. You continue to promote our work and tell people about what we're doing. And we're incredibly grateful for it.

So we've created a "Referral Rewards Program" (we'll come up with a better name than that haha) so that we can reward you all for your efforts. Two things regarding this:

At the bottom of each email from now on you'll see something like this:


You can click the share now button to share it with your friends. We're going to start emailing you all a weekly update, lesson, and link to our most recent podcast episodes. Feel free to share those using the "Share now" button and it should take them to the mini-course page.

And second, we'd love to know what type of free rewards you all would like. We want this to be something you enjoy and looking forward to participating in. Please fill out this form to let us know. We are thinking stuff like coffee mugs, t-shirts, a free month in Empathy Gym, possibly free Intro Course entry. Feel free to add any others you want.

🎙️ Our "It's All About Connection! NVC With Dr. B!" Podcast

I'm not sure if you know this, but we have a podcast. Cindy and Heather have been doing an amazing job with it and it's continuing to grow. Which is exciting! And what's even crazier is it's been listened to on almost every continent. If you're looking for something to listen to in your daily commute or downtime or just want an avenue to continue your learning in NVC, check it out.

It's got some pretty exciting reviews:

"I really like this podcast because each episode is focused on a specific facet of NVC and offers practical takeaways for putting it into practice in your life"

"I love all the episodes. But The Riff episode made me laugh out loud."

"Dr B is legit. I am a continuing student of Dr. B. I’ve had various courses and read books about NVC, but nothing has made the practice so accessible and relevant as Dr B’s style of teaching and applying the material!"


Ok, I know that's a lot, but we have a ton of exciting stuff going on and I wanted to keep you in the loop. Talk soon!

Ryan Bonhardt


TLDR aka Quick Recap

  1. A new cohort is launching soon. The last one sold out in 24 hours. Go here to put in which weekly live meeting times work for you if you plan on registering.
  2. Empathy gym opens soon. If you've taken one of our intro trainings (that's a pre-req for joining) and want to be notified when it comes out you can sign up here.
  3. We now have a 5-day Video Mini-Course for you to consume and/or share with friends.
  4. We've created a Referral Rewards program (if you have an idea for a better name let us know 😄). Please go here to let us know what prizes would get you excited.
  5. Our podcast is growing. Feel free to check it out