How to get more practice with NVC

Jun 10, 2021 12:01 am


Every time I finish a training, whether it's our online course, a workshop, or training in schools and businesses, the #1 comment is always I want to get more practice. How do I get more practice? How do I learn more or continue my practice?

I always tell people to find an Empathy Buddy or group. Someone or somewhere you can setup a scheduled routine to meet and practice giving and receiving empathy.

Well that's also easier said than done so we created the Empathy Gym. My goal with the Empathy Gym is to fulfill your and my need for learning/growth, community and connection in your NVC practice.

Each week you have 5 75-minute sessions to choose from, as many or as you few as you want, where you show up, learn new concepts, connect with people just like you and practice your NVC skill.

I'd love you to have you join us. And remember, since you have been with me from the beginning, until next Monday you can join and have access to all of this for only $40 a month, or as low as $35 a month if you pay in full for a year.

Go here to learn more and sign up.

Hope to see you in there,


P.S. Sorry if these emails lead you to mourning ease and space in your inbox. I'm sending them because I really care about growing this method of communication and making a difference in the world through how we communicate. And I want to grow this community of learning as big as a I can to reach that goal. After Monday you will no longer be sold into the Empathy Gym and emails will be back to providing you value.
