TBM 58: There is No There There! and Change In The Intro Course Time

Sep 15, 2022 4:46 pm

Happy Thursday! (I've never said that before here)

Sorry for the delay. After feedback we made a change in our next public Intro Course cohort's weekly meeting time, which opens Monday. It will now meet on Thursdays at 4pm EST starting September 29th. I know some of you are on the fence and had some questions before you signed up so I answer those below - and of course, include the upcoming weekly Empathy Gym schedule.

But first, let's go into this week's podcast episode...

🎙️ Podcast Episode 104: There is No There There

There is no end goal in NVC! Once you dedicate time for an Intro training or reading a book, one usually believes there will be significant learning and behavior change. And, yet, NVC is an ongoing evolution. Dr. B and Heather discuss the ongoing learning and dedication necessary to own NVC skills. This Episode is dedicated to inspire people to stay with the continued learning necessary to allow NVC to come alive in ones life. Perfection is not the end goal; living the process is a goal unto itself and allows one to have more of their needs met over time.

Click here to listen to the podcast

✅ Your Intro Course questions answered

Let's get into it. I asked for any questions you had about the course. You all sent me some questions. And here are your answers plus some of our FAQs:

How is this course taught?

This is an 8-week hybrid online course. The course is delivered via live sessions and pre-recorded videos. Each week you will have pre-recorded content to consume at your own pace before each weekly live online session that happens at the same time each week. You will have lifetime access to all the content.

What happens in the live session?

All the magic! No, but for real, this is where you get your hands dirty so to speak, and practice the skills you've been learning in the pre-recorded sessions. This is where we come together to self-connect, discuss mournings and celebrations, and break off into dyads to practice giving and getting empathy and expressing. We'll also play some games, discuss different concepts we're learning, and answer questions that come up from the trainings. This is where the learning really happens, so please make sure you choose a cohort that meets at a time you can attend each week.

I noticed you said Jordan was the Facilitator. What does that mean?

When you guys come together for the weekly live sessions, Jordan will be your Facilitator, so she will be running the live session trainings each time you meet. All of the course content will be the exact same with videos from me (Cindy).

I'm very excited about this! I think it's going to be a nice mixture of myself in the videos and content and Jordan in the live trainings. I've been working with Jordan for years, she has been running live sessions for the past couple of years, and I think you're going to love her.

How much time will this course take?

This is an 8-week course. The pre-recorded content will take about 60-90 minutes to go through each week and the live class itself each week is a 75-minute session.

What do you mean by you could potentially start a new career?

We need more certified Bigbie Method Facilitators. We are growing and are consistently adding new school and business contracts to our roster. And we need more trainers to fulfill these contracts in the future!

All of our current trainers came through this same method of starting out at the Introduction level and then continuing their learning to eventually become certified facilitators. When you take the class, if it fires you up and it's something you could see yourself teaching as a new career then you are on the right path to be doing just that!

What kinds of industries or professions does this work for?

The short answer is all of them. We are currently providing or have taught these trainings to physicists, athletes, construction workers, developers, in schools, in restorative justice programs. Communication and connection are at the core of how we operate and thrive as humans. So this type of communication is not limited by industry or profession. But instead, it enhances connection and quality of life for people everywhere.

When does this cohort meet each week?

This cohort will be meeting for 8 weeks on Thursdays at 4pm EST starting September 29th.

What if I can't meet during the time that the weekly live sessions are?

We do have more cohorts coming, but I'm not sure when there will be a public one again. You can always wait for one that is at a time you can meet.

Please go to the course page and at the bottom put in your available times so that we can factor it in when deciding what time the next cohort will meet. Also, we do record the sessions, so if you can make it to most but will miss one or two, we do have that as a backup.


I don’t want to take up much more of your time today so that's it. Hope to see you in the course!

💪 In The Empathy Gym This Week ❤️

Update: We are officially on a new platform as of this week. If you are an Empathy Gym member, you can access the Empathy Gym at learn.thebigbiemethod.com

Note: All classes in blue are educator-focused classes

9/14/2022, 3:45 PM ESTWednesdays at 345pmRoutine WorkoutLogan
9/15/2022, 11:00 AM ESTThursdays at 11amExpression IntensiveJordan
9/15/2022, 4:00 PM ESTThursdays at 4pm EFEmpathy IntensiveCindy
9/16/2022, 11:30 AM ESTFridays at 1130amRoutine WorkoutLogan
9/16/2022, 1:00 PM ESTFridays at 1pm EFEmpathy IntensiveLogan
9/19/2022, 2:00 PM ESTMondays at 2pmRoutine WorkoutCindy
9/19/2022, 7:00 PM ESTMondays at 7pm EFRoutine WorkoutJanelle
9/20/2022, 3:15 PM ESTTuesdays at 315pm EFRoutine WorkoutJuliana
9/21/2022, 3:45 PM ESTWednesdays at 345pmRoutine WorkoutLogan

Hope to see you in the course!

Cindy and Ryan

P.S. Reminder you can sign up here for one of the remaining spots
