Why didn't you sign up?

Jun 16, 2021 4:30 pm


I noticed you didn’t sign up for the Empathy Gym. No big deal at all, actually on the opposite end it's a chance for a great learning experience for us.

I just want to get some quick feedback from you so I can provide you and other's the most possible value in the future.

Why did you decide not to sign up? Please reply and let me know.

You can reply with one quick sentence or as much as you want. It could be as simple as:

  • I’m not available at the time the live sessions were
  • I’m not in the financial situation right now do so
  • It's just not something I want to do right now
  • I’ve already taken this training in the past
  • I'm still not sure what it is
  • Or any other reason 

Please reply and let me know.

Hope you have a great day,

