All About The Badge System And Upcoming Intensives Schedule

Jul 24, 2021 12:09 am


I hope you're enjoying the Empathy Gym! My sessions have met a lot of needs for me and I've enjoyed seeing a lot of you in the sessions. I have received a couple questions and feedback that I wanted to share/answer for you.

First off, I know life can get heavy and your schedule full. And during those times it can be difficult to make time for things like an Empathy Gym session. I want to encourage you to book a session during those times.

We've had a couple of people do it so far in those moments and the most common check-out is that they feel lighter, have a lot of needs met they didn't know they needed and have an overall improved sense of well-being. So give it a shot next time you're feeling overwhelmed!

Next, the intensives. We schedule our intensives in chunks. So for 5 weeks it will be Empathy Intensives one day a week, then the next 5 Expression Intensives, and so on and so forth. Here's a quick schedule of the Intensives coming up.

Expression Intensives

Sunday 7/25 @ 9am EST

Monday 8/2 @ 3pm EST

Tuesday 8/10 @ 10am EST

Thursday 8/19 @ 12pm EST

Friday 8/27 @ 10am EST

Connecting Request Intensives

Sunday 8/29 @ 9am EST

Monday 9/6 @ 3pm EST

Tuesday 9/14 @ 10am EST

Thursday 9/23 @ 12pm EST

Friday 10/1 @ 10am EST

Action Request Intensives

Sunday 10/3 @ 9am EST

Monday 10/11 @ 3pm EST

Tuesday 10/19 @ 10am EST

Thursday 10/28 @ 12pm EST

Friday 11/5 @ 10am EST

And last, here is a video I made explaining all about the Badge System so you can have an understanding of exactly how it all works.

See you in a session soon!

