Thank you! And course update

Oct 01, 2021 11:01 am


According to our sales consultants, I'm supposed to say thank you in this email and then quietly slip in that we have X number of spots left in the course.

I do want to say thank you. I am grateful for all of you. I'm grateful for all the support we've had in our Intro Classes and Empathy Gym, as well as throughout schools and small businesses. I'm grateful for all the Podcast listeners and I'm also pretty much always surprised by the feedback we receive and the ideas and connections people introduce to us.

But, that's not all this email is about. And, it wouldn't meet my need for authenticity not to disclose that. This email is, also, a gentle reminder that we do have final spot left in the Intro Training for the Cohort starting this Monday. It will run 8 weeks and meet weekly on Tuesdays at 5 pm EST starting October 12th. Registration closes Monday or when the next person signs up.

If you're interested you can click here to sign up now. And either way, thank you so much for your continued support.

Here’s to changing the world one step at a time,


P.S. If you know anyone that you think would be interested feel free to share this link with them
