Weekly Wednesday Update: NVC In The Real World, Presence and 20-Minute Timers?

Aug 18, 2021 6:05 pm

Hi there,

We've started interviewing people that have taken our training and/or are a part of our continued training with the Empathy Gym for a promotional video we're creating. The intent was to take the interviews and start chopping them up to make an inspiring trailer/promotional video for when we sell to new teachers, students, people, organizations, etc.

However, we think these interviews are too good to just cut up and only take bits and pieces of them. Some of the stories of how people are using NVC in their lives and relationships are super educational and interesting. And we're thinking about doing a piece on NVC in the Real World where we put up these interviews so you can learn from and be entertained by them as well.

What do you think? Is this something that would interest you? Reply with a quick yes if so.

Ok on to our weekly Wednesday update. First, we share about this week's podcast which is all about presence and then we go on to show you a fun little activity we do every 20 minutes when we're working.

NVC With Dr. B: Are you here now?

This podcast episode starts out with Heather not hearing what Dr. B is saying; her mind was in a different place. Has that ever happened to you? Where does your mind go when you are in the midst of a difficult conversation? Lots to talk about with regard to presence - and that's what we do in this episode. Some of the topics covered:

  • Self Connection and how to do it
  • 5-4-3-2-1 - a cool activity you can do to get yourself back to presence, especially in a heated moment
  • Having patience with presence and how it is similar to a meditation process.
  • NVC is mostly about presence, so is it useful to use NVC language without presence?

Click here to listen to the podcast to learn about all of this and more

A 20 Minute Timer?

We have a little tradition in the office here. When we're working throughout the day we set a 20-minute timer whenever we're sitting (we use e.ggtimer.com). And what do we do those after those 20 minutes? Nothing crazy. We stand.

Actually, I also do burpees, but all you have to do is stand. Ryan is currently recovering from ACL surgery so that's what he does. He just stands up. We'll even do it during our meetings. And why do we do this?

Well, thanks to Joan Vernikos and her book Designed to Move. In there she says “New data shows that as little as one or two hours of uninterrupted sitting can affect how you process your blood sugar, and can increase risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, even if you exercise regularly.”

In just 20 minutes you can start to see those changes in your blood taking place. So she, and Katy Bowman, another movement expert recommend we move or at minimum get up and stand every 20-30 minutes to cancel out these changes.

So what do we do? We make it a little game. We set our 20 minute e.ggtimer and after 20 minutes we make sure to at least stand. It also helps us take a break mentally and reminds us to slow down and get present.

So far we're really enjoying it!

In The Empathy Gym This Week

Resource Library

We are excited to let our Empathy Gym members know that we recently added a Resource Library in the Empathy Gym. In it, we have shared several videos on how to use the Dance Floors and there are interactive handouts for you to use when you need to process some of life's stuff. Additionally, there are other materials in there that we think will be useful. And, we imagine adding to it over time. So, take some time to check it out and let us know how you like it.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday 12pm EST - Expression Intensive with Jordan

Friday 10am EST - Routine Workout with Jordan

Sunday 9am EST - Routine Workout with Logan

Monday 3pm EST -Routine Workout with Cindy

Tuesday 10am EST - Routine Workout with Saskiya


Cindy aka Dr. B
