Spring back pain syndrome - April news

Apr 16, 2024 7:00 pm

I haven't been sending email with updates for a while.

I have been busy and travelling between Italy and UK after the passing of my mother and my father having health problems. This is ongoing but in the last few days we have found a wonderful place in my mum hometown Tolfa, where he can stay at least for a while until he gets better.

I will take some time off during the summer to concentrate on my father and Italy, but until than, I hope to have more time for classes, massages, Ayurveda and look after all of you, my friends.

I am setting up online courses, professional training as well as In person courses, professionals and for self-development.

I recently wrote this article having had few clients complaining from back problems. In the article I offer my professional advice and tips, including few simple yoga poses.

I am a trained Yoga therapist for chronic back pain, herniated disk and sciatica, and Massage therapist, this information is base on my professional experience and knowledge (including personal treatment of my scoliosis).

Thanks for reading my news and being part of The Balanced Yoga and Natural Health community.



The Spring Back Pain Surge: Why Warmer Weather Triggers Aches and How to Stay Pain-Free

As the first rays of spring sunshine peek through the winter gloom, a curious phenomenon unfolds in healthcare clinics: a surge in back pain complaints. While some might dismiss this as coincidence, conversations with therapists, chiropractors, and fellow practitioners reveal a clear pattern. Warmer weather, it seems, acts as a trigger for back woes.

This connection might seem counterintuitive. After all, wouldn't the warmth naturally loosen tight muscles and ease aches? The answer lies in the interplay between our bodies and our winter habits.

You can read full article

full article

Classes are In person and online - min. 2

Yoga classes: Monday 9:30 and Thursday 2pm 90 minutes classes

Whatsapp for Yoga class planning and chats:


Qigong class: Wednesday 9:30 am

Whatsapp for Qigong class planning and chats:


Offer for this Month: Ayurvedic head, neck and shoulders massage.

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