A way to improve your intermediate English

Nov 29, 2023 10:33 am

This is the final reminder about group lessons in December you can still join.

If your level is strong Intermediate, you would benefit from these regular lessons by

  • expanding and activating your vocabulary,
  • improving your grammar and using it "on autopilot", and
  • having great conversations about engaging topics.

If you'd like a skeak-peek into what the materials are like, have a go:


Here's what you might want to know:

  • lessons are 80 minutes long (1 hour and 10 minutes)
  • 2 times a week, according on Mondays (at 10 AM) and Thursdays (at 1 PM)
  • mini-groups (2-4 people, so far we have 2 more spots)
  • lessons in Sessions (link works in your browser)
  • you don't have to buy any books (for beta group in December)
  • practice your speaking, listening, reading skills (writing tasks are optional)
  • get corrections, explanations, and all necessary feedback each lesson.

Because it's my first time launching regular online group lessons, I'm offering December monthly package at a reduced price - 2720 UAH / $75.

If you wanted to work with me, but couldn't get around to it, or couldn't find a time-slot in my schedule, use this opportunity and fill the application.

This offer expires on Friday, so if you're interested, reply to this email and ask your questions, or apply now so that I have enough time to let you know the details.

Talk soon,

