Women in their 30ies ...

Jan 26, 2022 9:15 am

I was a very awkward teen.

I was smart.

I was pretty.

But I was extremely shy and insecure

I read a lot of self-help books to become more confident, but they didn’t help me much.

What helped is aging 😉

Women in their 30ies+ have a certain confidence that young ones lack.

They've seen enough.

They've met enough good and bad people - and know the difference.

They've kissed enough frogs.

They've made enough mistakes, and know how to deal with them or avoid them.

They trust themselves now, and they know they can cope with most situations.

That's also the difference between intermediate and advanced levels.

At the Intermediate level, you already know a lot. And you can do a lot. 

But you constantly feel like it’s not enough. 

You’re scared of making mistakes. Of sounding silly.

At the Advanced level, you feel like you can deal with anything life throws at you.

This feeling comes from:

  • multiple situations you used English in
  • numerous mistakes you made
  • lots of people or texts you understood. 

There is no shortcut between B1 and C1.

You can gain confidence only by facing different language situations and coping with them. 

Need help to make the journey from B1 to C1?

Book a consultation and we’ll discuss how to make the journey interesting. The consultation is free. 

Book a consultation

Enjoy, Tania

PS: Next movie for our hangout is "Pride and Prejudice" (2005) - one of my favorites. Highly recommended. Watch it if you can, and then book a place at our interesting discussion.


Reading time: under 3 minutes

Difficulty: easy (3 out of 10)
