Everything you need for a great movie discussion next Sunday

Aug 20, 2023 9:16 am


Here are some resources if you want to join our movie club and get the most out of it

Watch the movie: If you can't find the movie in English anywhere in Ukraine, you can watch it here.

Movie questions - make sure to check them out after you watch the movie. Or before 🤷‍♀️ Thinking about your answers beforehand will help you feel more confident during the meeting. Download the file and you'll be able to write your answers in it and peek into the file when we talk.

Meeting link: If it's your first time, here's the link to the meeting room.

Make sure to try the link 5 min before the meeting to avoid any technical issues. It works on your phone, but gives you a much better experience on your laptop.

Movie workbook: And finally, to actually learn some vocabulary, refresh grammar, and check your listening comprehension, use this movie workbook. Download the file and use it to activate your English.

Upcoming movie: Check future movies we're going to discuss in the Movie Club calendar (BTW, when you are at the meeting, you help me choose which movie to watch and discuss next).

I'll be looking forward to seeing you in a week,

