Things I shared recently

Jun 17, 2023 9:50 am

Hi there,

Here's my weekly update for June 17th, 2023...

🗒️ I still remember that mistake


My recent post: I still remember that mistake in Tetiana Bilokin - Tetiana Bilokin A story about one of the most embarrassing mistakes I've ever made and lessons I've learned from it

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🗒️ Panting and aching


My recent post: Panting and aching in Tetiana Bilokin - Tetiana Bilokin Personal story about overcoming difficulties and making progress

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🗒️ What is a movie club and how does it work?


My recent post: What is a movie club and how does it work?

in Tetiana Bilokin - Tetiana Bilokin

If you have no idea what a movie club is or how it works, this is a post for you

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🎥 Language point: USED TO


3 examples from the TV series "Designated Survivor" where "used to" is used.

If you'd like to learn English with movies and TV shows, apply here and let's discuss your options at a free consultation:

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🎥 Prepare for a job interview


Are you gearing up for an upcoming job interview?

As a learner of English, you might feel a bit anxious and unprepared, but it's natural, and not a reason to get overwhelmed.

I recently came across a fantastic resource that can help you prepare for the big day....

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Tetiana Bilokin
