Spring Skin Check In

Apr 09, 2024 7:40 pm


Spring has sprung… is your skin ready?

Springtime has reached Virginia! As we begin to dress for warmer weather and sunnier days, you may find yourself wondering: “Was that spot there last year?” There are many different types of lesions that can appear suddenly on the skin, from harmless skin tags to cancerous basal cells. Here are some features that might indicate you should have a spot evaluated: 

  1. Pain or itching. Not every painful or itchy spot is cancer, and not every skin cancer is painful. But when you do have an irritated spot, it is worth having it evaluated. Basal cell carcinomas and pre-cancer spots called actinic keratoses (AKs) typically occur on sun damaged areas such as the face and hands, and they commonly start as a small, painful or itchy spot. Other non-cancerous lesions that become itchy and irritating, such as moles, may merit treatment if they are bothering you daily. 
  2. Deep, dark, or changing color. Melanoma, the most severe form of skin cancer, is famously associated with very dark or abnormally colored moles. It may also occur within moles that you have had for years, and cause either a darkening or a lightening in the color of the mole. Regular full body skin checks are the best way to detect and stop melanomas early on. Whenever you notice a new or color-changing dark spot on your body, it is worth bringing to your dermatologist’s attention.
  3. Bleeding. Spots that bleed off and on without fully healing may be a precancerous spot like an AK, or an early form of skin cancer such as a basal cell carcinoma. They must be treated in order for the skin to finally heal.
  4. Growth. Spots that grow noticeably in a short period of time merit treatment to stop them from getting out of control. Certain kinds of squamous cell carcinomas may grow like this, and it is also a trait of some non-cancerous lesions such as seborrheic keratoses.

Bonus Tip: Dr. Dintiman always tells patients to look for COLOR and CHANGE IN SIZE of moles!

The best way to know for sure whether a spot is dangerous is to have it checked by your dermatologist. We can help you find the best and most appropriate treatment options for all your skin care concerns.

Call or text our office today at 703-229-2544 to book your skin check!

