20 Tips for teachers moving to the UAE

Aug 03, 2023 8:46 am

20 Tips for teachers moving to the UAE

This month, we continue the quest of helping new teachers with the move to the UAE

Here are a range of tips for teachers moving to the UAE. While these tips are for teachers, they will also be useful for other people who are moving to the UAE or just abroad generally.

This video was a video I made when I spent the summer in the UK last year. It was incredibly exciting to reflect on how far I've come since moving to Dubai and what I would tell myself back then. 



Check out the video here

If you're considering or have secured a job and are moving to the UAE this year, this comprehensive guide is something you won't want to miss.

It is filled with information to support you both before and after you have arrived here and will save you time, money and ultimately reduce the stress of having to learn from mistakes. 


If you want to check it out, see what others have said below and click into the guide. 


Guide 2 to support with the move
