Best resources for the classroom

Aug 27, 2023 8:32 am

The Education Echo

Best resources for the classroom

If you're anything like me, you'll have come to realise that in our best efforts to try and do the best by children, we often lose sight of who we are, and our healthy habits and suddenly find ourselves back in the 'rut' that many call teaching.

With that in mind, over the past 7 years in education, I have tried my best to create content that supports teachers to thrive both in and out of education. Some of the tips that I share are related to lifestyle, while some are related to doing more with less.

This education echo will share some insight into habits I'll be considering both in and out of the classroom.

Inside the classroom:

Low maintenance- HIGH IMPACT

Displays can be a contentious topic. For some, they are the be-all and end-all of what teaching is about. For others, it's a resource to learn from but for me, it's a mixture of showcasing learning while supporting children. with that in mind, the resource below has been a game-changer in the classroom. It's enabled me to be flexible with displays while also not worrying about making, printing, laminating and then sticking bits up; it saves time!


Video link here

Resource here (Affiliate)

Outside of the classroom

Do some Yoga...

Okay, next... I've often found it challenging to talk about well-being outside of the classroom. This is where a bit of imposter syndrome kicks in. How can I talk about well-being when I don't have kids and don't know other people's situations? These are the types of thoughts that I have when I see other people's content like this.

With that said, one thing I can do is share things that work for me. That way, I'm not telling you what to do but instead sharing things that you might find helpful.


This is one of those 'old but gold' videos that I've personally found interesting to rewatch. While I am jealous of my youthful appearance, I know that the content shared within this video is well-researched and has benefited many teachers in the past.

Click the link below:

Click Here!

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