{{contact.first_name}} Here's this week's Fab Fiction Friday

Dec 09, 2023 3:21 am



Here is the rundown of what you'll find in today's email:

  • Writing update
  • Announcement!
  • Books for your TBR
  • Book feature of @tawnisbookshelf


Welcome back to Fab Fiction Friday where I share books and authors I think you'll love as well as update you on my writing journey!


Rhett and Dana have still be chugging along, little by little. But...I've decided to branch into something a little different as a side project. An idea came to me, something I've never read before that was partly inspired by Michelle Griep's Man of Shadow and Mist. So, I've been getting ideas down for that story. I don't want to share too much more in fear that the people waiting for Rhett and Dana's story will be coming at me with pitchforks lol! But I am working on both books, they've two VERY different stories, but I think a good balance for my overactive imagination.


SECRETS, LIES, AND DEADLY TIES is available on audio!


My narrator, Monica, did a fabulous job of bringing the characters of Secrets, Lies, and Deadly Ties to life! If you're interested in winning a free copy be sure to join my reader page on Facebook where I'll be hosting a giveaway soon!

Join here!



I may or may not have read these books, but you can always count on them to be clean!


One of my dear friends, Dulcie Dameron released her sweet winter romance novel today! I just finished it today and absolutely LOVE everything in and about this book. Usually, I prefer a slow burn romance, but the quick burn, instant attraction works in this story...and don't worry the romance is still a slow rebuild. There are so many things I enjoyed, so if you want to know more of my thoughts, be sure to check out my posts on Instagram.

Dulcie did such an amazing job with this and I can't wait to have it on my bookshelf 😍


A three-day romance in Lake Tahoe with a perfect stranger.

Zero Promises. Only Kisses. 

What could possibly go wrong?

Felicity Hartford is a workaholic single mom who refuses to take time out for herself. But when her two meddling besties decide to take her hostage and force her to accompany them to the slopes for a girls’ weekend away, she has no choice but to go along with their plan.

Alden Beaumont, a famous snowboarder, skateboarder, and two-time gold medalist, is still recovering from the fallout of a bogus lawsuit with his ex, which left his public image in tatters. After deciding to hire a PR agent to rework his image in time for a big competition, he takes a time-out at his family’s lodge in Lake Tahoe. But rescuing the woman of his dreams on the ski lift wasn’t at all in his plans.

And Felicity has rules. Only three days. Only kissing. No last names. No exchanging phone numbers when it’s over.

Given little choice but to agree, Alden soaks up his three days with the woman he’s sure he’s falling for, promising himself he’ll scour the entire country to find her when the mess with his reputation is over.

It’s only when he returns to real life on Monday and meets the new PR agent that he realizes he won’t need to look very far after all. If only she wasn’t pretending they’d never met.

**Three Days to Forget is a sweet, reverse age-gap, quick-burn winter romance with all cozy vibes you crave. Think roaring fires, a hot snowboarder, sizzling kisses, finished off with workplace tension that’s sure to keep you up at night.**

Get it here!


Latisha Sexton, M.J. Padgett, and Dulcie Dameron are publishing a sweet hockey romance series over the next few months! All books are available for pre-order!





In here I will choose a book to highlight and share it with you! Every book I share here has been personally read and vetted by me.

This week's book is:

Dearest Josephine by Caroline George:


Love arrives at the most unexpected time . . .

1821: Elias Roch has ghastly luck with women. He met Josephine De Clare once and penned dozens of letters hoping to find her again.

2021: Josie De Clare has questionable taste in boyfriends. The last one nearly ruined her friendship with her best friend.

Now, in the wake of her father's death, Josie finds Elias's letters. Suddenly she's falling in love with a guy who lived two hundred years ago. And star-crossed doesn't even begin to cover it . . .


Caroline George is a master storyteller. In this epistolary romance tale, current day Josephine connects with 1821 Elias through letters he wrote to a Josephine De Clare in 1821-- a woman that shares not only her name but many of her other characteristics--an odd coincidence indeed.

All of the characters were likable and relatable, including the characters included in Elias's Novel, which also played a part in the whole story.

The way the separate timelines, plots, relationships, etc. were woven together was truly a feat of cleverness and finesse. As I was reading, I couldn't quite grasp how an author could achieve such a task, but as I've been learning about Caroline George's talent as I catch up with her published works--the woman knows how to tell a story and twist what you believe with what is true leaving you questioning pretty much everything.

The romance in this book wasn't light, but it also wasn't front and center, that sounds confusing but to go into much more detail would give away spoilers and that's the last thing I'd want to do. Because the happily ever after for our heroine was absolute perfection.

There was a light faith element to this book. I wouldn't personally classify it as "Christian romance" but there were some parts of the story that pointed back to God.

I gave this book a solid five stars.


If you're on TikTok and interested in seeing all my recommendations:

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That's all for now.

Have a fabulous weekend!



Have you read all my books?

Secrets, Lies, and Deadly Ties

When Forever Comes


Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. But please know I will never recommend a book in my newsletter that I haven't personally read and enjoyed.
