What happen during the debrief?

Apr 15, 2024 2:47 pm

Hey ,

Got That New, New!

I just published a new LinkedIn newsletter!

Like to read it, here you go!


Last Wednesday, the Virtual Summiteers, Harry the Bigdog Jamison and I had a debriefing of Harry's April 5th. first Friday Master Class. To be invited to our debriefs, you would have to be a member of our peer group or a speaker.

Below are the take aways Chat got from our Fathom summary of the meeting. You're getting the Cliff Notes, because it's good to be on this email list!

Craft a Clear Mission:

  • Define the purpose and objectives of your event clearly.
  • Ensure that every aspect of the event aligns with the overarching mission.

Set Clear, Achievable Goals:

  • Establish specific and measurable goals for your events.
  • Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks.

Collect Speaker Bios and Photos in Advance:

  • Gather necessary information about speakers ahead of time.
  • Use this information to introduce speakers properly during the event.

Prioritize Collaboration and Support:

  • Seek assistance and support from peers or colleagues when facing challenges.
  • Collaborate with others to overcome obstacles and achieve goals effectively.

Ensure Reliability in Logistics:

  • Plan and organize travel arrangements meticulously to avoid disruptions.
  • Consider alternative transportation options, such as private flights, for important engagements.

Confidently Set Prices and Promote Events:

  • Determine pricing for events that covers costs confidently without undervaluing your offerings.
  • Promote events with conviction, emphasizing the value being provided to potential attendees.

Execute a Clear Vision from Planning to Promotion:

  • Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines every stage of event execution.
  • Ensure that all promotional efforts align with the overarching vision and objectives of the event.

3 of these were for & or about me:

(You're so vain, you probably think this email is about you.)

"Crying Laughing emoji face!"

Na'll, but for real; I'm only telling you the first 2. The 3rd. one, will just have to be your best guest! "Crying Laughing emoji face!"

- Collect Speaker Bios and Photos in Advance:

I have a BookLikeABoss page just for getting speakers, but wasn't using it for the Master Classes. Just beliving that once we set a date that the speaker would be there. So far, so good. But it's best to have and use the systems you have in place for just incase. That link above is my affilate link for BLAB!

-Ensure Reliability in Logistics:

Chat, didn't say but I used a live streaming program that said that it was live , but it wasn't. I had to send out the recording hours later.

Any way, by implementing these action steps, event planners can enhance their planning processes, overcome challenges more effectively, and increase the success rate of their events.

Well, that's all for today. Enjoy the rest of your Monday and Week!

*Keep Moving Forward!

Ericka Bates

Talk Virtual
