📔 Unit Studies for the New School Year

Jul 31, 2023 11:26 am

(Heads up, this is a sponsored email. That said, we use and *love* these studies and I’m genuinely excited to tell you about them. 🙂 Now, on to the info…)


Hello friend, 

We’ve nearly made it through summer! Aren’t you grateful? 🥳 That means you’re either gearing up for the new school year or you’ve already started.

Either way, it’s the perfect time to add some unit studies to your learning lineup. In my earlier years of homeschooling, I planned all our unit studies. I researched all the resources, looked for coordinating activities, and truly approached these from a DIY perspective. Now, not so much.

Instead, I’m much happier letting someone else create these experiences for us. That’s where our favorite unit studies from The Waldock Way come into the picture.  

Keep in mind that all of these unit studies can be used for any age. (We’ve used them in upper elementary and middle school). Also, they include topic-specific reading suggestions, hands-on ideas, video playlists, notebooking-style pages, learning games, beautiful coloring pages, and more. (Now you see why I prefer these to my old DIY unit study days. 😉)

As for the specific unit study options, here’s what you need to know: 

1) 🗺️ Geography Unit Studies - You can travel the world, the United States, or the U.S. state parks through these studies! I especially appreciate how these include native animal profiles along with the other location-specific components often found in geography resources. 


2) 🪐 Science and Nature Studies - There are 6 fun options in this category. And for the record, the science unit studies are our favorites! My middle schooler was stressed about science a couple of years ago, so we decided to try the Human Body study to buy time while figuring out a new game plan. It turned out the best plan was to move on to the Ocean Study, and we’ve loved every lesson thus far! 

3) 📚 Literature-based Studies - These are great studies to add to your plans if you’re working through the Percy Jackson series, any of the Harry Potter books, or the Magic Tree House series in the upcoming year. These unit studies will help you schedule the reading, dive into topics from the books, document your time reading, and add all kinds of fun to the mix. 

3) 📓 Mini Unit Studies - There are times in homeschool life when it can be difficult to work a lengthy unit study into the schedule. That’s where these mini unit studies shine! From the Who Was Unit Studies, the What Was Unit Studies, and the Who Would Win options, these are always an interesting and fun way to work in a unit study without a hefty schedule commitment. (Check out my review of the Who Was Stan Lee Mini Unit Study for an in-depth look).

You can learn more about all of these studies and check out the *FREE* mini unit study options through the button below. 🎉 Better yet, you can get 30% off anything in The Waldock Way shop using WALDOCK23 at checkout.

Take me to the unit studies!

As always, if you have questions about any of these resources from The Waldock Way, hit reply and let me know. I’m happy to help. 

Until next week,


PS: THANKYOU2023 is the password for the Subscriber Resource Library.
