Practice musings
Jun 27, 2020 2:16 pm
Dhriti Gobinda Dutta
Special Roll-out
June 27, 2020
Practice means Constancy
🥴Practice is not limited to a day or two's sweat shed,
Practice is but a long tread.👣
🌈Practice knows not the barrier of seasons or occasion,
Practice is but a total concoction;📒
🙏🏻Of constant roll with all of one's devotion,
Practice is a practical sermon,✒️
💖That's pledged in my heart & to me a treaty,
Practice that is TENACITY.🤜🏻
🔥I'll keep practising no matter what,
Practice isn't to prove to any squad.🥁
🔅That it oughtn't stop in heat, rain, chill,
Practice goes on with all the achievements & still.👑
Just sharing my trifle thought with you all 🙏🏻.
Let's keep practising & utilising the LORD BESTOWED present situation to prepare for the beyond!
Let me know your thoughts my dear friend.