When life gives you THE best promotion ever.

Aug 28, 2022 10:42 am

Hi ,

It's been a long while, hasn't it?

I've gone through quite a lot of changes in the last year - both in my personal and professional life. And somehow, writing has taken a step back in everything I do.

I'm still unsure if I will be able to continue (or restart) my fortnight email newsletter as I used to. After all, things have changed, and I need to recalibrate some things in my life. But I thought I owe you guys some updates and share some thoughts moving forward.

Update #1: Most of you might have already known this from social media, but in mid-July, I received one of the biggest promotions one could ever get in life - I got promoted to a mother to a beautiful baby girl!


Hello from little Aina Sofia!

The last month and a half have been a challenging but rewarding experience as my husband & I navigate our new phase as parents. One of these days (whenever I have the time and energy), I might write more on the experience for the blog. But, all I can say is that I have a renewed appreciation for parents and caregivers because caring for a newborn that cries half the time and sleeps the other half is not easy.

Update #2: My first book, #YourBestSelfBook, officially turned 1 a few days ago and has been reprinted for a second batch (!!!!!!). The book is available at MPH and Popular bookstores (both physical and online) and through my official distributor, GerakBudaya. The book was also available at the KL Alternative Bookfest in February and the KL International Book Fair in May/June, thus completing my bucket list of having my book sold at bookstores and a book fair.

Thinking back to January 2020, when Alia (Flonerch) and I first talked about the possibility of writing and publishing a book together, I definitely did not imagine being able to send the book for a reprint. Personally, being able to complete writing the book and having a printed copy in my hand was more than enough.

But looking at the past year and what the book has achieved - I am definitely and massively thankful for all the support and love from people around me. I could not have done it without every single one of you, so thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart.

Thought #1: With the baby in tow, my priorities in life have definitely shifted. For the past few years, I've been super focused on my own personal growth and development. I jumped careers, continued my studies, and sought opportunities to develop myself.

But now, it's hard to imagine myself being the same career-driven person I was. I look at my girl's face, and all I want to do is drop everything and be there for her. But I also know that I can't do that. I owe it to myself and to her to be the best that I can be and to show her that we do not necessarily have to sacrifice one over the other.

How would I be juggling life as a full-time professional and a full-time mother? Who knows. But I'm definitely looking forward to what life will bring in the next couple of years.

Thought #2: In 2020, during the pandemic, I did an impulsive thing where I decided to create and teach an online class on job searching. I ran 4 different classes and had tons of fun delivering the lessons. In February 2021, I did yet another impulsive thing and delivered daily workshops for a week straight, each day focusing on a certain topic.

For the last few months (or a year, actually), I've been contemplating rebranding and revamping all that I do for my career coaching and workshops. Hopefully, in the next few months, once I have the time (and space!) to discuss this with a designer/branding friend and work things out properly.

I already have a name picked out (and secured all related social media handles and even the domain), so it's just a matter of planning things thoroughly before actually implementing it.

I guess that's it for now.

It's been almost a year since my last consistent email, and I'm not sure how many of you are still reading this (lol). If you are, please reply with a "Hi!" and let me know what's going on with your life (professionally or personally). And if you do want me to continue writing to you every other week, do let me know as well.

Until whenever I see you again in your inbox - stay safe, stay awesome & take care!


Nazu & Little Aina xx
