Effective communication
Mar 24, 2021 9:01 am
Dear ,
Congratulations to ✨✨Dean and Edmore who have completed the first half of the Effective communications course🙌
Secondly, I ask that everyone log in and complete the first half of the course by 30 March 2021
On 1 April, I shall release the 2nd part and it's important we all start it at the same time.
Login URL: https://successbydesign.co.za/my-account/
Username: your email address
Password: can be reset if you have forgotten
If you are struggling to find your password please check your spam folder or email support@successbydesign.co.za
Yours Sincerely,
Terrill Christians, MBA
Email: terrill@successbydesign.co.za
Mobile: +27 82 925 3939
Skype: terri013
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