In a world of increasing unknowns, we return to the certitude of those human characteristics that have long defined our ...

Nov 11, 2020 6:48 pm

In a world of increasing unknowns, we return to the certitude of those human characteristics that have long defined our better selves—characteristics like humility, empathy, vulnerability, gratitude, and generosity. These make for better human interactions and better business as well. If you want to see how these points of our human compass can lead you, your teams, and your businesses in a better direction, please check out our book, Win With Decency. In it, we cite leaders from Microsoft, Zappos, Chobani, and even from a Major League Baseball team. Lots of Aha moments in a brief, little book that one reviewer said, "packs a punch." #humanity #business #competition #leadership #servantleadership

