Australian Block of the Month starts Saturday!

Jan 17, 2022 11:01 pm


Hi, Quilters!

Do you love the fabric in the shop that’s designed by Aboriginal artists? It's so amazing. Did you know that our Aboriginal fabric originated as paintings? Look, for example, at this stunning painting:


It looks like our fabric, doesn’t it? But it’s not. This is a painting for sale in a gallery by artist Karen Bird Ngale. I hope she makes it into fabric one day! Here are more of her works:

I could go on and on with this. Other Aboriginal artists are just as amazing. We’re so lucky to have these fabrics available.

I love them so much that I’ve decided to feature mostly Australian fabrics in the 2022 block of the month: Resplendent Australia. (We all need a few resplendent things in our lives.)

Many of you have participated in my block of the months for years, but in case you haven’t, this is how it’ll work this year. (It does change a bit each time.)

This year’s quilt will give you a choice of making either a lap size (60" x 60") or a bed size (84" x 84"). If you choose bed size, you can add borders or other blocks later, to increase it whatever size you choose. (I’ll be happy to help you out with that process.)

The basic design of the quilt is this. (As always, this is an artistic endeavor, and I may make a few modifications here and there—but you get the idea.) This is the design for the 84 X 84 quilt:


The 60 x 60 one simply omits the outside blocks:


Note that these pictures showed only the basic colors and design, not the full depth of the fabrics. Things will ratchet up in real life! I’ve pulled together a beginning palette of fabrics here:


Wanna see a sneak peek of the first block?


I love the movement in these fabrics. The purple batik in the block picture above will serve as the background for much of the quilt. It’s so yummy!

Each month, I’ll have the packets and pattern for that month’s block(s) ready to go on a designated day as shown below (mark your calendar). I’ll put them outside for curbside pickup—or as always, you can set up an appointment time to come into the store and browse when you pick up your packet. (That might be more fun.) Live out of town? I’ll be more than happy to mail them! 

The dates for pickup will be:

January 22, February 12, March 12, April 16, May 14 (this is the last day for the 60" version), June 11, July 16, August 13, Oct. 1, and Nov. 5. Curbside pickups will be ready by 10:30 a.m. on each of these days. If you can’t make it on a particular day, just let me know, and I’ll hold the packet for you.

Make the blocks as we go throughout the year, and a big quilt will feel like a breeze!

This quilt will be completely pieced. You should have had Quilting 101 or have pieced a few projects before beginning this one. The instructions will be clear, but they do assume that you know the basics of quilting. Along the way, if you have questions, I’m here for you.

The cost for each quilt is below. Costs include all the fabrics for the quilt top (backing, borders, batting, and binding are separate), plus all the instructions.

You can sign up for either size here (choosing curbside pickup, or mailing). Click on the button for whichever quilt size you'd like:

Bed Size, PICKED UP $190

Bed Size, MAILED $250

Lap Sized, PICKED UP $100

Lap Sized, MAILED $140

Please join in! I look forward to spending 2022 with you!


P. S. And don't forget to come in...

Make an Appointment to Shop!

P. P. S. Remember that I'll do this quilt only this year!
