The Newsletter is OUT!
Jan 08, 2025 2:46 pm
Hello, everyone!
I'm delighted to let you know that the latest newsletter is out! I'm so excited by all the classes, and especially this year for the spring Raystown Retreat! We'll have a special Zoom-guest class by fabric designer Seth Apter, and I think you'll enjoy it! He's such a pleasant person. Also, I have some of his fabrics in the shop, and they're cool. You can find him on Instagram @sethapter.
There's a new block of the month, of course. The blocks for this one are--ready for this?--20 inches square!
And a new Really Clear Year. Those classes happen only on Zoom, every other month.
And a new sweater class. Note that I have the sweater class scheduled as year long, but if you decide you want just a few classes, I'll be putting those up individually soon. (The year-long class is a huge bargain, so if you think you're going to take more than 3 classes, just sign up.)
I can also do private lessons if there's a technique that you've been wanting to learn that isn't listed, or if you need individual help on a project. Just talk to me, and we'll arrange a time.
Please click the button below to read the newsletter. All the classes are online, ready for you to sign up!
As always, make an appointment to shop or browse, or just to show off your stuff! I can't wait to see you!
Land Line (call): 814-238-4151
Text: 856-759-3420