SYAO Creativity, the week of February 27, 2023
Feb 27, 2023 2:56 pm
Hello, everyone!
Here's the latest edition of SYAO Creativity. Let's see what's going on in our creative world!
STITCH (What I've been working on)
This week I wanted to give you an update on my friend Joy. She's doing one last Go Fund Me.
This year, as her health improves, she hopes to be able to get a job that has health insurance (and blessed income!). I saw her a few weeks ago in Florida. Here we are at a manatee observation center near Tampa. It was chilly that day, as you can tell! (.... Although the manatee we posed with seemed unflustered by the wind.)
Here's Joy's Go Fund Me address. Let's get her through the next few months! Once again, she needs to make rent. That's relentless.
As before, if you want to give me cash or a check rather than donating online, I'll be sure that it gets to her immediately.
Joy was amazed by our generosity when I sent out the last note. And I have to say that I felt as gratified as she did by all the contributions. It's stressful to watch a good person run out of money.
Thank you.
YOUR (What you've been working on)
Howard is a regular visitor to the shop from Virginia. If you look at this quilt, you'll see lots and lots and lots of Stitch Your Art Out fabrics. It's so cool. I always feel honored when people make it a point to visit again and again when they live far away!
ART (Inspired by art or nature)
When I visited Joy, she showed me a pier in St. Petersburg, FL. It's such fun to walk along water. I loved this little pelican sculpture. There were a number of them scattered around the city. I didn't plan the woman dressed in black and white who was walking near the pelican, but because she did, I love this photo! Black, white, and red is such a classic combination.
OUT (What's out on the shelves in the shop)
New Australian fabric! Squeeeeeee! It's always good, but I think that this shipment has some of the best I've ever seen.
Somehow the color red was woven through all the photos today!
As always, make an appointment to shop or browse, or just to show off your stuff! I can't wait to see you!
Land Line (call): 814-238-4151
Text: 856-759-3420