SYAO Creativity, the week of July 24, 2023

Jul 24, 2023 1:26 pm


Hello, everyone!

Happy Monday! Here's the latest edition of SYAO Creativity. Let's see what's going on in our creative world this week!

STITCH (What I've been working on)

I started designing a baby sweater for my Really Clear class this week. My idea (among other things) was to mix together two colors of Cumulus yarn. I started out with these two colors, because I love yellow and teal together:


So far so good.

As I'm sure you know, I like deeper color in general, so I started working from the middle of both balls, beginning with the front of the sweater. I got this:


A little more bumble bee than I'd planned.

So I went to the other extreme and pulled the two light ends:


ACK. Way too pale.

And then I tried pairing the dark part of the yellow with the light part of the teal. Third time's the charm. I look forward to seeing how the two colors continue to meld together as I knit further.


Look for the sweater probably next spring! I design about 6 months ahead. If you want to get in on my designs before they're released, sign up for my Really Clear class in January!

YOUR (What you've been working on)

Marianne recently started quilting and appears to be addicted. She used our cat fabric to make this adorable lap quilt! I had just been thinking I needed to do something similar with that fabric, and now I'm sure I need to!


ART (Inspired by art or nature)

My friend Joy (the one I'm always talking about!) posted this stunning sunset photo the other day. She gave me permission to use it here.


OUT (What's out on the shelves in the shop)

And then I had to pull colors that were in the photo. They were colors that I never, ever would have put together--but they work! I like having my mind opened to new ideas. Perhaps these would be fantastic in the cat quilt!


As always, make an appointment to shop or browse, or just to show off your stuff! I can't wait to see you!

Make an Appointment


Land Line (call): 814-238-4151

Text: 856-759-3420


