What is this Maui tradition about singing acrobatic giants? - The Sunday 7 - Issue #61

Feb 19, 2023 2:01 pm

Happy Sunday!

And Happy World Whale Day!

World Whale Day was founded in Maui, Hawaii in 1980 to honor humpback whales, which swim off of the coast of this beautiful tropical island.

Here are five fun facts about Humpback whales:

  1. Humpback whales sing complex songs up to 30 minutes long, sung only by males and can be heard from miles away.
  2. Humpback whales are acrobatic and famous for their breaches, launching their bodies out of the water and crashing back down.
  3. Humpback whales' flukes (tails) can be up to 18 feet wide and have unique identifiable patterns, kind of like fingerprints.
  4. Humpback whales are filter feeders, consuming up to 3,000 pounds of krill, small fish, and plankton daily.
  5. Humpback whales have a complex social structure and exhibit altruistic behavior, including protecting other animals from predators.

Pretty cool, huh? Makes me want to go whale watching. Not gonna happen here in Arizona. Have you ever been whale watching?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy today's Sunday 7!


1) 📷 Photo of the Week


Did a little early morning run this week and saw this unusual sight!

2) 📜 Quote to Ponder

"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are; and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." ~ Augustine of Hippo

Steve's musings on this quote: Anger, born of frustration with the way things are, pushes us to imagine a world that is different and better. Courage, on the other hand, gives us the fortitude to work towards that world, in the face of any obstacle. This dichotomy is what makes hope so powerful; it gives us both a reason to be dissatisfied with the present and the courage to strive for a brighter future. The combination of anger and courage is what makes hope matter, as it allows us to strive for a better tomorrow, with a belief that change is possible. Regardless of the difficulties you face, I challenge you to hold on to hope. Channel your anger and courage towards creating a better world for yourself, your family and future generations.

3)  🚴 This Week Outside

In addition to daily walks around the RV park where we live, this weekend Chrissy and I went to a regional park, called Agua Caliente for a little walk.

It is a popular one among local bird watchers. We saw a bunch of people with binoculars around their necks. We also saw some duck and turtles, not too common here in the Tucson area.

How about you? In what ways have you enjoyed the outdoors this week?

You can check our photos and video below.

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4) 🤣 Dad Joke

What do you call a detective who just solves cases accidentally?

Sheer Luck Holmes.

5)  💌 Relationship Corner

Marriage Pearl # 4: Date Your Mate Regularly

Date your mate regularly… make time for it. This was a weird thought to me when we were first married.

Date each other? Why? We are married…lets get on to married life.

I quickly learned that married life is full of little things that sweep away focused time on each other.

Dating allows for intimate conversations, fun experiences, and time to focus on your relationship. It offers many avenues to explore together that are not part of your daily routine. These adventures reignite the passion and strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

We’ve enjoyed a range of dates, from cozy movie nights on the sofa with a charcuterie board after the kids went to bed, to romantic getaways lasting weeks in tropical paradises.

The point is to make time, regularly, for dating one another.

Don’t wake up one day to find no romance, connection, or shared interests with your spouse. Keep the flame burning by dating and discovering new facets of each other. Reignite the fire for a lasting, fulfilling relationship.

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6) 🏞️ Adventures of Steve and Chrissy Update

You know those weeks where nothing really exciting happens?

This week was one of those for us. Mundane indeed.

In honor of the mundane, here are seven things that might be considered mundane in the moment, but can have a significant impact on our lives in the long run:

  1. Daily routines and habits - small actions we do consistently can add up over time and have a big impact on our overall health and well-being.
  2. Practicing good sleep hygiene - getting enough sleep is crucial for our physical and mental health, and can have a significant impact on our productivity and mood.
  3. Eating healthy and balanced meals - what we put in our bodies affects our energy levels, focus, and overall health in the long run.
  4. Regular exercise - staying active and exercising regularly can help prevent chronic diseases and keep us physically and mentally fit.
  5. Building and maintaining positive relationships with family and friends - having a strong support system can improve our mental health and overall happiness.
  6. Practicing gratitude and mindfulness - being present in the moment and appreciating the good things in our lives can improve our overall happiness and well-being.
  7. Keeping a clean and organized living and work space - having a clutter-free environment can improve our productivity and reduce stress levels.

So, we share with you a little reminder that we too are taking to heart this week - just take a breath, relax and appreciate the mundane things in life.

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Speaking of appreciation, we very much appreciate you reading our weekly newsletter. Thank you!

7)  🤔 Question for Reflection

What is something you are hoping for that also motivates you to action?
